By morning, Jannat’s fever had gone, but she was still feeling weak. She opened her eyes only to find Zaroon sleeping while sitting against the head board.

She got up and headed towards one of the doors in the room, luckily it was of washroom. She freshened up and got out, Zaroon was awake and waiting for her by then. It looked like he had freshened up also.

He came near Jannat and touched her forehead, “Thanks to Allah, your fever is gone. "he said softly and smiled.

Jannat moved back; he didn’t like it but still decided to let it go.

"Let me make breakfast for you. "Zaroon said and turned around.

"I ...I want to take bath. "Jannat said looking down.

"Go ahead... OH! You will need clothes. You can wear anything from the closet, later I will get you clothes today. "Zaroon said pointing towards the other door in the room and left.

Jannat had sweated due to fever, she was feeling dirty, she reluctantly moved towards the closet and came back with the first thing she got.

It was a t shirt with trousers. She took a bath and came out in the clothes. She felt a bit reluctant using his stuff, but there was no other option. Tears filled her eyes thinking about her vulnerability.

She sat on the bed after combing her hair and her mind drifted towards her life.

Zaroon entered with a tray of food in his hand only to find Jannat weeping again.

He placed the food at the table and sat near her.

" Stop crying, my pigeon. " Zaroon said wiping her tears.

" I want to go home. I don’t want to stay here. " she said crying.

Zaroon thought for a moment what to do, he couldn’t stand her tears. “Baby, you have seen how everything was at your father's house. I can’t take you there right now. How about this, I will talk to your dad and then take you there?" He said.

" Promise? " Jannat asked hopefully.

" Promise. " Zaroon said with a smile.

After that Zaroon and she did breakfast. " College? " Jannat asked after breakfast.

" Take rest today, and I will have everything prepared." Zaroon said and went out.

He called Hassan and asked him to send a caretaker to look after Jannat.

After that he called a designer and asked her to get all the stuff Jannat could need." Make sure clothes are more on comfier side, things you don’t have, get them from other shops. I will text you her size. " Zaroon said and ended the call.


At noon, Jannat had just woken up after a nap when she saw 2 girls coming out of the walk-in closet.

" Mam, we have arranged the closet, you can check it if you want. " one of the girls said with a smile.

Just then Zaroon entered the room with a lady." Ooo Zaroon! She is a beauty " she said with a grin, Zaroon only smiled.

The ladies left after bidding their goodbye, Zaroon had already asked her to send the bill to his assistant.

Zaroon took Jannat’s hand took her towards the closet." You can check if there is anything else you need. I have got the things you need for college also "he told her.

She saw that there were ton of clothes, be it her usual style, eastern, formal. Shoes, jewellery everything a girl could need was present there.

Zaroon excused himself after telling her about the caretaker, who would bring her food in some time.