Zaroon opened his red rimmed sleepy eyes and found his angel sleeping on his side , her face half hidden in his side . Zaroon felt a wave of protectiveness and possessiveness running through him ,seeing her sleeping so peacefully at his side .
He moved her hair away from the face and looked at her closed eyes .her eyelashes were curled due to the tears she had shed last night, making them all more enchanting .
He remembered how she had given herself to him without any preservations . He remembered her making him the happiest man with her trust .His adoration for her had increased multiple times last night .
He knew that intimacy didn't mean love ,but he did believe in closeness, when there was love ,whether it be emotional or physical . He wanted to shower his love on her ,show her with his kisses that how much he just adored her . Words would never be enough to show it . He wanted to show her the craziness which was in his eyes for her all the time .