Chapter - 1

(Third Person P.O.V.)

"Are you ready for the first day of your school" Luke's mother ask him with a smile on her face?

"Yes, mom," Luke said while keeping his books on his blue and green bag-pack

"And please be nice with your friend, dear remember, this is for your career," she said while packing lunch for him.

"Tsk.. don't treat me like a kid, will you," Luke said, irritated by his mother's behavior.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, honey, please don't be grumpy. I want to remind you," Luke's mother said while smiling at him.

"Hmh, whatever!!!!!" Luke said.

Later he reaches the school at 7:10 am. He parks his BMW on the right side of the gate and starts walking toward class.

"ALISHA!!!" someone shouted from behind, and he turned to see who it was.

"What is it, Mega," Alisha asks and bumps into Luke's hard chest and gets shocked. Mega looks at Luke and shouts, O.M.G. ~~ L-Luke Marshal is here.

"Are you stupid!!!! You don't know how to look around you," Luke said with anger. Alisha moves back from him with a sad face and sad eyes.

"I... I'm sorry," Alisha said with a sad face. Luke ignores her and walk's out.

"A-Alisha, are you okay" mega said, shocked by Luke's outburst.

"Let's go, Mega before we get late for class," Alisha said while leaving with a sad face.

"o-ok," replied mega. When luke entered the class, the student started staring at him.

"Is that Luke Marshal, the very young model at new york? Luke keeps walking and ignores them. What is he doing here?" said one of the students.

"tch... pathetic," said luke irritated.

"Okay, a class like I told u yesterday about a new student he is now coming, Mr. Marshal," said teacher Mr. Smith. Luke walks inside the class. The whole class got surprised.

Girl's: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! O.M.G.!!! The top model in New York is here.

"Girls, will you please quiet; I guess you don't need to introduce yourself or morgan. They already know you," said Mr. Smith.

"Hmph, then can I sit now," Luke ask Mr. Smith.

"oh yeah, sure, go and choose wherever you want to sit, "Mr. Smith said to luke. Luke gives thanks to Mr. Smith and takes a sit.


I was walking in the hallway when I heard some of the students talking about the girl I bumped with before class. "hey guys have you heart about pathetic Alisha" said student no 1

"oh yeah, she got the highest grade again from the exam yesterday," said student no 2

"I'm sure she has done something to our principal," said student no 3

"Yeah, that's what I am thinking too, but what if we give her a lesson," said student no 2

"sound good yup, I want to do that too," said student no 3. Then he walks to the cafeteria and takes a seat at the table.

GIRLS: Oh god, he is boiling! so handsome, oh my god!!!!!!" luke stand-up and walk out to the school garden, sits near a tree, and thinks, ′ tch where ever I go, it makes my headache.'

"Alisha doesn't listen to them. They are just jealous. Ignore them" a similar voice comes from behind him and turns.

"But Mega, their words are killing me. What do you want me to feel, Megha only I can do is ~~~ cry," said Alisha while crying her heart out.

Luke gets shocked by listening to their conversation and thinks ′ she is the one they are talking about. He hides behind the tree, watching them while listening to their conversation.

"Alisha, you know you look like an ugly chicken when you are crying," said Megha while making a face.

"W=what are you serious mega? Do I look like that" Alisha ask her while making a sad face?

"yeah, your beauty is useless when u crying like an ugly chicken," mega said with a smile.

"b...but okay, I stop now but don't say that to me again," said Alisha while wiping her face tears.

"Okay," said mega while smiling at her and thought ′ my plan is working now. I know how to stop her when she cries."

Luke chuckled and thought, 'ugly crying chicken sounds good.'

"ding ding ding," the bell ring signaling lunch hour is over. "It's time to run Alisha a before we are late." "But my next class is after 20 minutes mega, you better go now, I will go later," Alisha said, sighing. "Okay, bye, Alisha," mega said and left. Aisha watched her leave. Luke stays silent and keeps watching Alisha hiding behind the tree. Alisha sighed" thanks were, Megha, for always visiting beside me."

Luke heard Alisha talking to herself. "But how can I be strong if all the people around me hate me? What have I done to them to be so cruel to me? I wish I die. Why am I have born in this cruel world? Why do I have to suffer without doing anything wrong? Why? Why? Why?" said Alisha while crying. 'what? cruel?' Luke thought, shocked by what Alisha said. The school was over after one hour. Luke goes to the parking lot got in his BMW driver's seat at the drive to his home. All he thinks while driving is about Alisha and what she talks about herself to herself.