(Third Person P.O.V)
In the morning Alisha leaves to go to school. When she reached the school she meets up with her friend mega and they both walk to their favorite place in school sitting there they start talking.
“Ok Alisha, tell me what happen to you yesterday,” mega said with concern on her face.
“Nothing Megha, I’m fine don’t worry,” Alisha said with a smile on her face.
“Don’t lie to me Alisha, you were crying on the phone and your red eyes are the proof of it” mega said to Alisha irritated with Alisha's answer. That made Alisha silent. Unaware of the fact that Luke is hiding behind the tree and listening to their conversation.
“Like how they always treat me mega, all beating, crushing and shouting .it will never change mega and I’m nothing but a stupid and pathetic girl,” Alisha said with said face.
“Can you stop thinking so down to yourself Alisha, your not stupid and pathetic!! you are just too weak to protect yourself but you are not like that do you understand me?” mega said to Alisha with anger in her voice.
“let’s go to our class,” Alisha said ignoring mega and walk out. That makes Luke speechless.
Mega put her head in her hand and rub her face with her hand.” please someone help me with her” she whispered to herself while rubbing her hand on her face and walk out.
Luke walks out to his class and keeps thinking about Alisha putting his head in his hand and elbow on the bench ignoring the whole class.
“Oh good...look at Luke he is so hot I wish he will ask me to go out with him one day,” said one of the fangirl. He heard them making the irritated face he said: “tch so annoying fangirls”.
“Girls girl’s girl’s quite pleased,” said Mr. Smith while entering the class.
“Sorry, sir,” said the fangirl.
“Excuse me, Mr. Smith,” said Alisha standing outside of the class. The class turns to face her and start making face to her.
‘That voice’ Luke thought to himself.
“Oh miss Smith why are you here” ask Mr. Smith. Alisha walks in the class and said ” sir I want to talk about yesterday's exam” with said face.
He smiles at her and said, ” Alisha we can talk about that in my office later ok??“.
“o...ok sir, anyway, I’ll go back to my class now excuse me,” she said while walking away. Luke watches her walking away, while the whole class keeps staring at her.
“Pathetic as always” Whisper student 1.
“I think something is going between Mr. Smith and Alisha that’s why she always get highest marks in all subject ” whisper another student.
“I think you are right you heard him.et’s go after her at lunch and give her some lesson” whisper another student.
“Right,” said student 1 said and giggle. Luke heard that and bit his lower lip to control his anger.
After class at lunch, Alisha sits on their favorite place and waiting for her friend mega.
“what taking her so long,” she said to herself.
“Good, because you are alone,” a voice said behind her. She turns and looks at the student who always bullies her.
“What do you want?” Alisha asks them getting scared.
“simple we want you to kick out of this school,” said one of them.
“Please I didn’t do anything wrong, please leave me alone,” Alisha said almost crying.
“Yes we know that, but we hate to see you in this school,” said one of them.
“We don’t want someone pathetic person in our school,” said another one of them and start laughing at her.
“But this is not your school,” she said to them.
“What?? who told you-you can talk back to us like that,” one of them said with an angry voice and all of them push her and Alisha fall on the ground.
“Oww poor girl, can you let me play with this pathetic girl Anna,” said one of the boys joining them.
“Please let me go,” Alisha said with a tear on her eyes.
“Oh god you look so poor and pathetic girl, we will let you go after you get your lesson from nick,” one bitch said to her.
“Oh thank you so much, Anna, you know I want to have some fun with this pathetic girl,” Nick said with a smirk on his face.
“No please, leave me alone,” Alisha said and started crying.
“Do you think I will let you even touch her” a firm and angry voice ask coming out behind the tree.
They all look at the owner of the voice and get surprised.
“Luke science when you were there” ask one of them.
“None of your business and what do you think you are doing,” Luke said with anger in his face.
“Luke don’t worry I will handle this. She is just a pathetic girl don’t mind her” said one of the fangirls.
“Shut up!! what did you call her can you say it again,” he asks while facing the floor and biting his lower lips to control his anger.
“I..I’m fine don’t need help,” Alisha said while looking away.
“I don’t tell you to speak so you better shut your mouth,” Luke said to Alisha. Her tear keeps falling.
Luke looked at her and thought’ Her eye, I can’t see her like this, I can’t '. He thought.
“Hey, Luke wants to join us. It’s okay I will let you go first,” said Nick with a smirk on his face. That makes him angrier.
“Are you sure? thanks then let me give you your price” Luke said while smirking and punch him in his face hard.
“H hey Luke we are not enemy why did u do that?” nick asks while whipping blood out of his face.
“Why? Don’t you know a real man don’t bully a girl and if they do they get beaten by a real man a by a black belt by of khat are champion and for girls get suspended for it” Luke said while smiling evilly?
“Wait for, Luke, we are just kidding, but if you don’t like this we will stop,” one of the bitches said scared.
“Y. Yeah, we will leave now w..we will never bother her again” boys said scared and they quickly run out.
Alisha thought in her mind ” he.. he saved me”.
“and you give me your hand,” Luke said turning at her and offering her his hand. Alisha just keeps staring at him and his hand.
“Are you just planning to keep staring at me and my hand huh?” Luke said while smirking and bending down while offering his hand.
“Thank you but w..why did you help me?” Alisha said while holding his hand hesitantly little scared.
“Because you are annoying and you can stop showing to me,” Luke said getting annoyed.
“Come, ” Luke said holding her hand and dragging her while Alisha just keeps standing and staring at him.
“What!! are you coming with me or you want me to carry you?” Luke asks her annoyed. Alisha looks away and blushes chili red.
“I said to come,” Luke said .“Wai….wait where are we going?′ Alisha asks while walking with him.
“Just follow me,” Luke said while looking down on the floor and walking. They walk to the rooftop.
“Why you bring me here?” Alisha asks him.
“you are so annoying stop asking so many questions is that your way to thank me, “Luke said whing sitting.
“Then why you help me I know I am pathetic to your sight so why?” she asks with said face.
“Don’t say that will you. you are not pathetic.” Luke said while looking at her.
“why you help me then,” she asked
“Is it that important for you to know? “he ask. and she nodded. “because you are different from others?” he said.
“D.Diffrent,” she said blushing pink.
“yes,” Luke said looking away.“How” she asks.
“You do not bitch like them,” he said looking down and walk closer to her.
“And I want you to be my friend,” he said while holding her face with his hand.
“Friend you say,” she asks. “Yes and only you, I’ll protect you and no one will touch you,” he said looking down .‘No one dare’ he thought.
“B.. but-but you are ...” she said with a tear in her eyes. “tsk.. don’t mind that okay just trust me Al-is-ha,” he said while holding her face with his hand.
“How do you know my name,” she asks.
“How you ask. Do you forgot who am I, I have my way, and can you stop crying because you look like an ugly chicken ” he said while smirking.
“W.. Wait for that’s what mega called me when I cry h how do you know wait you listen our conversation don’t you”
“Its a secret let’s go to our class before we get late,” he said and pull her.
“Wait,” Alisha said.
“What,” he asks.
“Can we keep this as a secret?” she asks.
“Hey we are just friends, why do we need to hide this? he asks.
“b because,” she said with a sad face.
“Tsk fine but please don’t make that face,” he said.
“Happy now,” he asks she smiles and nods and thanks to him.
“ok let’s go now, here is my calling card, if you need any help just call me ok,” he said while offering her his card.
“ok,” she said while taking it. And that’s how their friendship started.