Chapter - 5

(THIRD Person P.O.V)

Luke was sitting inside the mini cafe seeking his coffee while talking with his best friend Leon and zero.

“Dobe I want you to go to Alisha's mother and buy her for me giving double money that my brother has given to her,” Luke said to him with a straight face.

“What? you want me to be dead huh teme?” Leon said while frowning on him.

“Shut up... just do what I said,” Luke said with an angry face.

“But that is not going to be easy why are you doing this” zero asked Luke with a curious look.

“You don’t know how to shut up,” Luke said them with a death glare.

“h ... hey zero will you stop that or just shut your mouth otherwise we’re dead” Leon said getting scared.

“Fine, we will do what you say” zero said.

“And be sure you make sure no one can buy her after me and she treated Alisha nice no matter what!! pay her whatever she wants!!” .” or you both will be dead,” Luke said the last line with the dead glacier.

“o...ok,” Leon said.“but do you mind to tell us why you are so concerned regarding that girl,” Leon said to luke with a serious face. That made luke speechless.


Luke was sitting and thinking of sitting beside the lake when an unknown voice said: “I have never seen you here before are you new in this place”.Luke gets shocked by Alisha's question and looks at her.

“I am sorry, I didn’t want to scare you, ” she said looking guilty.

“Hmph!! and you? what are you doing here” luke ask her?

“Me this is my secret hiding place. when I am sad or want to be alone I come here to calm myself a little. I bet you feel the same that’s why you here” Alisha said while sitting beside him.

‘She is right’ Luke thought.

“Why are you not watching the concert,” she asks.

“ITS already over, did you watch it?” he asked her while looking at her.

“No” she replies.“why,” he asks her.

“Because anywhere I go no one will accept me, everybody hates me but I am so happy tonight because someone talks to me in person,” she said the last line with a smile on her face.

“Tsk.. you’re strange you know,” Luke said while smiling and shaking his head in disbelief.

“You too,” she said while smiling. Luke turns and looks at her.

“Are you also fan of that Marshal?” he asks her.

“Of course I’m his secret fan,” she said with a smile.

“I always watching him afar, but I’m afraid to come near to him,” she said with a sad face. Luke just keeps staring at her in disbelief.

“Why,” he asks her.

“Nothing just forget what I said,” she said while looking away from him.

“I have to go, nice talking to you,” she said while standing up. Luke keeps watching her leaving and thought ′ she is strange’, he stands up and leaves.


“hey are you listening to me huh teme,” Leon says getting irritated by Luke's ignorance.

“Leon if you want to alive get out now!!” Luke said while giving a death glare to him.

“let go Leon” zero said while standing up and leaving.

“ are so scary teme,” Leon said getting scared and leave.

Luke walked back to his room while giving a death glare to Varun who is sitting and reading his book. He looks at luke glaring at him and asks him why is he glaring at him and did he have any problem with him. Luke, on the other hand, ignores him and walks to his room. Varun stands up and goes to his room.

The next day luke wake up and do his regular work as usual. He gets down into the kitchen takes an apple out of the refrigerator kiss her mother on the cheek and leaves for the school. He gets to school in 30 minutes and walks towards his home class for the first lecture. He is sitting and getting disgusted by all fangirls chipping and giggling about him in the class “OMG~ I have all of his pictures and posters and magazine. He is soo hot. I hope he doesn’t have a girlfriend” said one friend girl

“How is this possible for a boy who has god and angel looking face and 8 packs not having a girlfriend,” said another fangirl.

“That’s true,” said the first one fangirl with a sad face.

“ahh that’s not fair,” said all fans girl together.‘Tsk is this thing ever going to change’ Luke thought to get irritated

“girls, girls, can you please keep quiet you are in the class,” said Mr. Brooke.

“good morning sir,” a voice said from behind the door. The whole class turns to look at the owner of the voice.

“I just bring the book I borrowed yesterday sir,” Alisha said face. Luke keeps staring at her.

“OWWh gosh, the pathetic girl is here again I thought Anna punished her already, what happened there,” one student asks another student. Alisha heard what they said.

“I said quite” Mr. Brooke shout at them.

“Th..thank you, sir, i. I’m going now excuse me,” Alisha said with a tear-filled in her eyes and about to leave. All the students start laughing at her. That made Luke really angry.“tsk tsk tsk they really don’t know how to stop” Luke said to himself. Luke stands up from his seat and walks in front of the class.

“You all better keep your mouth shut and leave her alone .or else you’re not be able to attend your school tomorrow because I can send a letter and mark all your names to kick you out of this school or even worse. If you want to stay here just be nice to her and no one they dare to touch her or hurt her and if someone really wants to mess around come to me I will more than willing to teach you how to mess with others is that clear. We are here to study and to get educated not to bully others and waste our time in useless things is that clear” Luke yell at them getting annoyed and angry.

“lu...luke” Alisha whispered to herself getting shocked from the luke outburst.

“I’m sorry about this Mr. Marshal to let me talk to them and give them punishment,” said Mr. Brooke.

“p..pu..punishment” whisper whole class is shocked.

“Its time to take strict action against them, they are getting out of your hand, discipline your student or I’ll tell this to my father,” he said and walks out of the class. The whole class watches him walking out.

“Wait where are you going my marshal” ask Mr. Brooke.

“I going out for fresh air,” Luke said and leave. The whole student fell silent.