Chapter - 55

(3rd person P.O.V)

It takes 20 minutes for them to reaches there. They get out of the car, and Zeo led Luke to Roy's room.

"Roys," Zero called, entering his room, and Luke follow after him.

"Umm~apapa~papapa," Roys said suddenly, waking up from his sleep and looking around his room. Luke looks surprised when he heard what he said to her.

"yayaya~~ pa~~pa~apapa," Roy said and crawled towards Luke and look up at him.

"H-Hey, how are you?" Luke nervously asks him.

"Ummm-ma-a-palapa-papa," Roy said while looking up at him.

"Umm yes, I am your papa," Luke said while blushing and looking away from him.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Luke asks when he saw Roy raising his hands towards him. When he didn't say anything, Luke looks at Zero for permission, and Zero nodded his head to him. Luke takes Roy in his arms and carries him gently.