XV. Spiffing don't you think?

"Spiffing don't you think?" The queen asked smiling sweetly. "I've arranged a coach for you to go out to the city tomorrow with him." The queen carried on talking, not even bothering to check her daughter's reaction.

"You never asked my consent." Nä-ræl said, her voice laced with anger and bitterness.

"Nä-ræl, calm down, it's just a one time thing." Her father said.

"One time? I thought this was going to last for a little while?" The queen asked, her face saddening.

"Err..." The king began, scratching his head nervously. "Let's see how this works out."

"Nothing is going to work out, I am not courting him! I barely know him." Nä-ræl yelled, her eyes already becoming watery. She had hated the proud young man since the very first ball he danced with her. The tales he told were completely unbelievable and he was always rude to servants, treating them like rags all the time.