XXX. I observe

The moment Ærtle approached her, he bowed a little, perhaps too low and asked. "Can I have the honors of having..."

He did not get the chance to finish with his usual question before Nä-ræl walked away, a cheerful expression on her face as she approached Rapha who was handing a goblet of wine to her father. She was glad her mother was not beside as she looked up at Rapha who had left the king's side.

"Would you do the honours of having this first dance with me?" She asked trying to sound bold but her voice came out timidly.

"Milady," Rapha said, eyeing her skeptically.

"I thought we were on first name basis?" She asked in a whisper so quiet that he struggled to hear her.

"Umm...yes. I meant to say Ræl."

Nä-ræl smiled a little and looked up at him. "So..."