XXXIV. Dear obnoxiously proud son of a bachelor

After leaving captain Œrlan to his reading, Nä-ræl climbed up the stone steps and walked to the east wing of the palace. Upon getting there, she headed straight for her chambers.

She sat at a small wooden table by her window side, a quill in hand, an inkpot beside and a paper placed on the table. Dipping the quill inside the inkpot, she began to write the first letter.

Dear Ærtle,

It is Nä-ræl, the girl that you are in love with but has no interest in you whatsoever,

Nä-ræl sighed and tore the letter, smearing a little ink on her hand before producing another piece of paper to write on. Once more, she began to write.

Dear obnoxiously proud son of a bachelor,

I am inviting you to...

Seriously Nä-ræl? A voice in her head spoke. Are you really going to write the letter that way?

The princess sighed and once more tore the paper and began another letter.

Dear Ærtle,