XLVI. Not even a true loves kiss.

Tears spilled from the Queen's ears uncontrollably as she beheld her daughter. The king on the other hand waited for his subjects to leave before his own tears came out. He looked at his shabby looking daughter whose face was still beautiful despite all and cried the more. Holding his wife close to him.

The queen leaned into her husband, her tears soaking his clothes as he comforted her.

Pity he didn't have anyone to comfort him.

"I should have known she would go there." The queen sobbed on while her husband rubbed circles on her back. "And I should have known they'd out his cell beside her." She wailed on.

"Beside who?" The king asked.

"... I do not wish to talk about it. But... I shall tell you about it later." The queen said, feeling tired of keeping the secret to herself.

"Okay." The king said, sniffing into his wife's hair - but he did not leave snot on it. He only sniffed because he was trying to stop his tears.