
Another Puzzle

"What happened why are you sweating so much? You okay?" Rhonda looked concerned.

Theresa didn't know how to respond. She just gulped whatever she was about to say down the throat. She knew better than this, she knew this is impossible. She somehow wanted to wake-up from this bad dream, a dream beyond scary and comprehension. Things aren't as easy as they seem and we don't always make things difficult for us by overthinking, sometimes it is our reality.

Theresa turned around to face Rhonda who was still waiting for an answer, she nodded at her. Rhonda shrugged.

"Hey so if you need anything else or any help just call me up. I'll be there. Take care and I'll take my leave now." Theresa gave her a tight smile as she stared behind Rhonda closing the door.

Denial wasn't an option now, Theresa had to realise this wasn't a dream anymore it was her reality, the truth, she isn't hallucinating. This is the year 2019. She scanned all the pictures again on the walls, searched the whole house and created a mess to find out more. Finally coming to terms with the fact that she wasn't in a twisted dream neither she was abducted nor was she in denial. She knew now, Theresa was actually a doctor or rather say is a doctor, this woman they keep refering to somehow has the exact same name, face and birthplace as her. Was this a coincidence? Two people? Or is it only one?

Theresa found a diary of the young doctor in the cupboard of the master bedroom which she assumed was the doctor's bedroom. She had already taken a tour of the house. Gilded mirrors on the walls at various odd places she didn't understand why, french windows, wallpaper filled with bananas and stars and lastly a bathroom without a sink. The decor was uncanny and furniture was contemporary style. Theresa sat down on the love seat near the window of the bedroom, it was dusty but she didn't care nor did she bother to open the windows to get in some light she just moved the curtains aside. She started reading the diary whose cover had the initials T. A., same as hers and the year mentioned was 1963. With trembling hands she opened it, she first thought she must have misread the year so she rechecked the year, it was still 1963.

May 15th, 1963

4:00 pm

I can't belive what I saw in the barn today. It was Christie with Derek today.