Throughout the morning, Rustain stayed inside his room, relaxing, and reminiscing the events that happened over just three weeks.

"Why'd this even happened to me?" Rustain curled up hugging his knees, "it's as if I deaths constantly follow" Rutsain scoffed after saying that "Death huh?, well I'll be damn"


The silent time came to an end when Rouge came to the room dressed in a lousy shirt and loose pants. He observed the room before entering, a white paper bag was bought by Rouge, he placed it beside Rustain.

"What's with the gloomy face?" Rouge concernedly asks Rustain.

Rustain immediately changes his attitude and shoves the sadness away as he replies to Rouge.

"No I'm fine, but what's in here" Rustain pointed to the paper bag beside him.

"Well check for your self, I bought it yesterday it's something you'll need if we head to town" Rouge explains, he then went to the closet where he grabs a change of clothes and his long sword."What are you staring at, we'll be going to town later"

"Well, why did you buy this?" Rustain pulled out a pair of leather shirts and pants, blade guard gloves, black chest plate, modernized armored shoes, and a gold ring. "I thought we're going to town, with this get-up??"

Rouge was almost finished wearing his share of adventurers' cloth. He chuckled when he saw Rustain stares intensely at the clothes he bought.

"It's the norm, you must change yours, Earth's clothing is different from El. Oh!! Almost forgot, use this brown contact lens, caster like us usually have gold eye color, and having one will draw some unwanted attention. We must hide your identity, we won't know if the assailant from before would be lurking near us" Rouge said meticulously.

"Will my body change more if I go to the next tier??" Rustain said. As he stared at a mirror looking at his golden eyes.

"Don't worry, you're the only one who has to change your appearance, you have never been exposed to magic before so it's natural," Rouge explained.

"Fine, I get why the clothes and contact lens but what with the ring? Is it some kind of storage ring?, just guessing" Rustain said curiously looking at the ring.

"Well look at that I guess the fantasy novel you read is not a waste of time, it's indeed a spacious storage and can store 50 meters worth of objects, it's also said you can store ghosts in there but it's only a baseless rumor," Rouge explains.

"Woah!! Cool~ not the ghost part but still cool" Rustain became even more fascinated then a sudden idea popped inside his head.

*ghost?? Mhhh Kuro is a spirit will he* Rustain thought.

|Don't even think about it!| Kuro's voice suddenly popped inside of Rustain's head.

|Kuro!!? Kuro??| Rustain replied immediately after hearing Kuro but Kuro did not reply and left Rustain hanging.

"I'll wait for you outside, better hurry and change clothes Rustain" Rouge immediately left the room.

"Yes Rouge," Rustain replied and immediately changed his clothes.

* it happened so fast, first the attack, then this new world, and now my appearance just altered to suit this world, sigh~~* Rustain thought. * I wonder what Kuro is doing right now, he left when I couldn't control my emotions earlier, who won't you just know you died? I could have seen my mother in the afterlife, no maybe this is a blessing, I just need to live on.* Rustain thought.

Rustain changed his clothes into the one's Rogue bought him, and not knowing Kuro was just actually observing Rustain from far away.

"Things get more interesting from now one, I knew I would choose a good candidate this time," said Kuro, who is a mile away from the hospital setting on a tree comfortably in the middle of the town plaza.

"Mom! Look a black fat cat is on that tree" a little girl dressed in a light but dull and inexpensive commoners dress pulled her mother that has the same clothing who was busy buying sweet potatoes at a nearby stall. "Mom a fat cat!!"

"Baby stop, I'm busy!!" The mother ignored her daughter and continued to pick some sweet potato. "Stop bothering me and play with other kids"

"Okay," the girl said and gave the mother some space.

The plaza was crowded with commoners and people who wore armor as if it's their daily routine. The entrance of the plaza is well guarded with soldiers and it's not exaggerated if I say no criminal can pass them well it's another story if it's

not an ordinary criminal.

The fast passing crowd of low born suddenly stopped when an ear-popping scream was heard.

"KYAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" A woman passing near the center where the tree is located saw a disfigured and disemboweled human child lying lifelessly on the ground with all its organ scattered on the ground in pieces.

Kuro can be seen walking out of the scene as if he didn't care what happened to the world.

"Pathetic child serves her right to call me fat." Kuro walks away leaving a blood paw mark as he walks further away from the crowd. "Fun times over, I need to go to Rustain now. "


"Rouge I'm ready but I'm not sure about these clothes, I look like a person who would dash as someone and cut their throats." Rustain walked away from his room and met up with Rouge who is currently taking to Frieza.

Rouge who had his back facing Rustain immediately noticed Frieza's gazed piercing like it saw a prey that needed to be conquered.

"Kyaa~~ so CUTE, I can't believe you wore that, I guess my taste in clothes isn't lacking" Frieza huge Rustain and patted herself on the shoulders look.

"It's time to go, let's go Rustain just leave Frieza we don't have all day." Rouge pulled

Frieza away from Rustain.

"Nooo don't leave me aunty will miss you" Frieza reached out her hand desperately reaching out for Rustain.

"Hahaha, see you later aunt Frie," Rustain said and escaped Frieza's grasp.

Rouge and Rustain immediately raced out of the hospital and headed to town, they did not use the car vehicle Rouge owned and decided to walk.

The street is filled with many Sidhe and humans. But one thing caught Rustain's eyes: people who where's shabby clothing use a merchant's carriage while the one who dressed in fashionable clothing used cars that opened Rustain's eyes to a new societal norm.

*I guess only the rich can afford to use cars, but wait didn't Rouge have a car but it looks so cheap, is Rouge rich or not??* Rustain analyzed the situation thoroughly.

"Hey, Rustain was almost there, why are you spacing out?" Rouge questioned Rustain who was lost in his thoughts. (Note: Rustain seems lost all the time hmmm..)

"Nothing, just appreciating the view, by the way where are we going first?" Rustain ask

"I ordered a short sword for you and we'll get it at the dwarf I commissioned to," Rouge explained.

"Dwarf!! I can't wait to see one" Rustain said with excitement.

*He's not excited to see the sword but the dwarf, they are so much alike. Mistress why did you left this world I hope you can see him growing, he has a huge potential for magic, what a frightening talent* Rouge thought as he reminisced an old memory of women in a red dress and with her flowing red hair.

Rouge and Rustain continued to walk. They pass some stores that contain necessities and some have pleasure for the rich. As they continued to walk Rustain noticed some modern infrastructure is mixed in with building some made out of bricks. They manage to pass in a street full of people ranging from adults to teenagers, courtesans, drunken men, and

children who ask for scraps.

It's an alley full of tavern filled with people, Rouge silently passes, not making a huge deal out of himself. Rustain followed his lead and tried not to stand out.

"Rustain, stay low and if anything happens don't be scared and fight back remember what I taught you," Rouge

whispered secretively.

"Yes, don't worry about me I can handle myself" Rustain gave Rouge reassurance, five-building over a group of mercenaries equipped with weapons came to have a drink and to consume a lot of beer.

This mercenary was enjoying their time but not further away from them, some children were begging for scraps, and cliche it is those kids approached the armed mercenaries. At first, the group drives them away but one of the older kids persistently begins begging.

"Sir~~ please spare us some food, even a little bread is fine, my siblings and I are starving, we won't last the day. Good sir~~ please" one of the children beggars kneeled in one of the mercenaries but the drunk Mercenary got supper annoyed by it and decided to beat the crap out of that kid.


"Rouge the-" as a good person he is, Rustain was about to jump out in the middle to stop the fight but it was him who was stopped by Rouge from intervening.

"Don't what I tell you, don't ask if you're a hero, can't you see those guys have weapons but look at you only a chest plate protects you, just leave than be!" Rouge commanded, "let's go you don't need to concerns yourself any longer it's their problem, in this world, only the strong can make a rule"

Rouge pulled Rustain away and into a dark alley where a hammer logo is imprinted on the door can be seen blocking its way.

"Let's go and grab your sword." Rouge knocked at the door. " Gludo opened up its Rouge. I'm here for the short sword I ordered."

The door slowly opened and a dwarf which is just the same height as a 10-year-old child.

"For Athena's sake shut up. Huh? Who's this guy with you??" Gludo came out of the door. "Who are you kid?"

"Hi, I'm Rustain" After introducing the dwarf piercingly, observe Rustain from her to toe.

"Hey, will you let us in or what!?" Rouge asks furiously.

"Fine come on in, but don't stir up anything inside my workshop." Gludo painstakingly said as he observed them as they entered making sure they wouldn't touch any tool he had placed. " Just sit over there I'll get it. Don't!! Touch!! Anything!!" Gludo commanded.

"Haha~ don't worry we'll be careful" Rustain tried to ease the mood, as the dwarf went to the back and fetched the new sword for him, Rustain can't stop thinking about that kid who was beaten by the mercenary.

"Just stay still, it's how the world works. That's why you need to grow stronger." Rouge said seriously, he also said like he knew what Rustain was thinking.

"I know but you can do something about it, why let them--" Rustain sincerely said but was cut off by Rouge.

"It has nothing to do with me" Straight and forward that's how Rouge said it.

Silence covered Rustain's mouth, he doesn't know how to address things as it is, those mercenaries are well equipped with weapons and he knows himself if he can't fight them off with only his bare hands even with magic.

Not a minute passed Gludo came back with a sword covered by a tattered cloth and only the handle and the hilt can be seen.

"Brat come here! don't let this old man walk further, get your sword." Guido commanded and Rustain rushed over to see the sword, as Gludo slowly unwrap the sword the blueish hilt was shown and the sheath." It's made out of Alkoniume, the best metal for magic casting, the stronger your magic is the sharper and harder the steel is. To be honest, I hate making weapons like this it's destroying my business, but since my old friend ordered it why yeh heck not.''

The sword is handed to Rustain who immediately unsheathes it and sees a blueish glow coming from the sword, Rustain tries to swing it and the way he swings it's as if an extension of his arm, he was well adept with the sword.

"A natural talent for the blade, I know!! how about you try it out right now, beat the crap out of those annoying mercenaries, they have been disrupting my business here. You can also see what this baby can do" Gludo confidently said.

"Rouge??" Rustain looked at Rouge who was just sitting comfortably.

"Looks like you made up your mind, why not I can also say if you did learn some sword skills I taught you.

After hearing this without looking back Rustain raced outside as saw the mercenary was still beating the poor kid.

"You piece of shit!! I told you to stop bugging me, ruining the mood." The mercenary kicked the child hard enough for it to vomit, seeing this the other kids began to cry and some tried to pull their brother a way to avoid getting hit.

"Whaaa~~~ s-stop hitting brother" one of the children decided to retaliate and charged at the mercenary.

"Shut up, tour too loud!!" The drunk mercenary grabs the sheath of his sword and hits the kid hard enough to make the child fly as it hits the ground.

The mercilessly drunken man continuously hits the child to the point where blood already came out from the bruises as if their flesh pop out because of the hit.

"H-Help~~," the weak child asks for help looking at the people inside the tavern as well as the passerby. No one seems to blink an eye to help the poor helpless kid.



"Sir that's enough" the unsheathed blade clashed with the scabbard the mercenary used to hit the kid.

"Tsk!! Stay out of my way!!" The mercenary unsheathed his blade and immediately aimed his slash at Rustain, being a veteran with using the sword the mercenary quickly and effortlessly slashed. "Huh?"


At the moment of impact, Rustain disappeared and reappeared two meters away from the slash carrying the beggar child in his hand.

"You should stay away from here things would get messy." Rustain gave a warm smile to the child but when he turned his gaze back to the mercenary his contact lens slowly melted as it was supposed to Rustain's mana.

The golden piercing eyes of Rustain made its way and gave the most domineering killing intent to the drunk mercenary, Rustain glared at the mercenary making the whole group shiver from just the sight of it

The people who are close in the vicinity saw this as they knew things would go ugly and decided to run away from the location to avoid getting caught from the fight.

"You crap!!, I hate people like you the most!!, you think you're better than us!!!. AHH!!" The mercenary charges to Rustain.

Rustain carefully observed the drunk mercenary as he aimlessly charged. He swiftly made his move and in the blink of an eye, the mercenary was heard screaming.


"AHHH!!!! KEUK!!! STOOOOP!!" The mercenary fell to the ground not because he tripped over but because his legs are dislocated and he is screaming because of the pain he felt.

Rustains stood in front of the mercenary staring at him with his glowing golden eyes. Emotionless Rustain gave another feel his piercing eyes stunned the mercenary but one of them broke free and charged

The other mercenary saw this and decided to take action one by one they charged along with their comrade and crossed a word with Rustain.

(Clang!! Clang!!)


"You're gonna pay for that!!" Mercenary 2 shouting but hai useless.

"That was my brother who broke his legs!!!!" Mercenary 3

"AHH!!" Other mercenaries

Rustain exchanges blows and swirly blocks and counter-attacked, his face shows no remorse as he effortlessly slashes the flesh of the mercenary causing them to fall one by one.

"Hahaha!! This is fun!!" Rustain smiled as he continuously slashed the mercenary body slowly giving them painful wounds throughout their body.

When almost all of the mercenaries who attacked Rustain died, one mercenary was left shaking in the corner as he peed in his pants because of fear.

"I--I--I give u-up!! Spare m--me!!!" A mercenary who peed in his pants said.

"Huh? You're the only one left" Rustain seems to have lost his mind this time he pointed his blade with the intent to kill. "Hahaha!"

|Rustain stop!| Kuro's voice suddenly appeared.

That very moment Rustain gained back his sanity and realized what he had done, the one mercenary who was left immediately ran away after noticing Rustain regain his sanity back.

"What?? Happen?!" Rustain tattered as he said that, confused as he is Kuro came walking out from the shadows.

Rustain saw Kuro and something he didn't expect happened, Kuro opened his mouth and the body laying on the ground slowly dried up making then turn to dust.

After seeing this Rustain fell into despair, mixed emotion flooded his mind, his eyes cried but his mouth smiled as if he was slowly losing his mind.

"Hahaha!! Hahaha!!" Rustain laughed as he cried, losing himself.

"It seems you are losing it, this is your new life Rustain another price for welcoming death with open arms," Kuro said as he walked toward Rustain, he placed his paws on him and muttered a spell. "This is for your own good / Glatiohgeljafuzel/"

Dark mist enveloped Rustain eating his emotions away, and soon his face turned back into emotionless as if he forgot what happened.

"Are you okay now? Have you calmed down?" Kiro asks about Rustain's wellbeing.

"Yes I'm fine, I'm much better now thanks" Rustain prepaid to reassure Kuro that he is okay.

"Just so you know, I can't use this spell often . the price is to exchange your emotions for it. So the next time you kill a person be mentally prepared for it." Kuro said as he walked away from Rustain. "By the way, we need to leave the people who are after you noticed your magic power during the fight."

