Earth, Korea Seoul year 2019, 1st of June

A man in his mid 20 walks away from a school gate dressed in old-looking clothing, he rubs his hands together under the cold night while out of nowhere a woman also in her mid 20 approaches behind his back.

"Hyeon-jun opa, where are you going won't you attend the reunion dinner?" A woman in formal attire approaches Hyeon-jun with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm not going," Hyeon said plainly. "There's nothing for me to do there Sun-Hee"

"If you're not going, then I won't go either, there's no point of going there, I'll stay with, you," Sun-Hee said as she grabs Hyeon's arm pulling him. "Come on opa, I know a place here that sells good food"

"But, won't your friends wonder where you are? I heard Kristofer is there, he just came from the US" Hyeon said.

"Why are you mentioning that playboy, he probably looking for someone to fuck in our class reunion," Sun-Hee said while pouting in front of Hyeon-jun. She looked at him serenely and shook her head "ahh~ you're no fun, can't you at least smile you seemed worried"

"Oh~, um sorry, " Hyeon-Jun said, avoiding eye contact with Sun-Hee "A lot of things happened, I just can't seem to focus"

"Well, maybe you're just hungry, so let's first go and find someplace to eat," Sun-Hee said trying to remove the awkwardness between the two of them.

Hyeon-jun followed Sun-Hee's lead as they walked trying to find someplace to eat. We can clearly see Hyeon-Jun is having a hard time with the facial expressions he has, but he always tries to smile every time Sun-Hee is looking at him, the talkative and carefree personality of Sun-Hee gives her a unique vibe.

30 minutes had passed and Sun-Hee's Stomach started to talk.


"Ha~, do you know where we are going?" Hyeon-jun said, trying to stop himself from laughing. "If I remember correctly, you're so bad at memorizing direction."

"Hey, I'm trying okay! It is barely far from what I saw on the TV" Sun-Hee said, after looking around Sun's eyes brightened when she saw a familiar sign. "Wait, I remember now, we only need to take this right alley of Gangseo district and will not be far from the Food House"

Immediately Sun-Hee rushed to the right alley leaving Hyeon-Jun to chase her, Hyeon started to feel uneasy about the alley.

Hyeon-Jun chased Sun-Hee the un-athletic body of Hyeon-Jun made him easily gasping for air, and the moment when he almost reached the alley he took a moment to catch his breath before taking the right turn.

(Huff...Puff...Huff... Huff)

"Hey, Sun-Hee it's better if we will not this road, I feel uneasy right now and it's getting dark, it safe for us if we just look for another place to eat," Hyeong-jun said as he was gasping for air, he became warier when he heard no reply from Sun-Hee. "Hey!, Sun-Hee why the silent treatment"

Hyeong-Jun took the right turn and his worst fear came true, he saw a buffed old man in a leather jacket pointing a knife at Sun-Hee while covering her mouth, Hyeon-Jun immediately hid and remained frozen as he saw Sun-Hee sobbing. He then regained his senses and was about to grab a metal pipe near him.

*wait?! Can I do this? The old man is three times my size can I even knock him out what if things will go south what will happen to Sun-Hee, shit, shit shit shit, get yourself together saving Sun-Hee is the best action* Hyeon-Jun told himself.

With conviction, he grabs the metal pipe and slowly sneaks his way behind the old man's back, trying not to make a sound he used all his courage to fight the fear in his mind, the fear of failure.

The old man pervertedly sniffed Sun-Hee by the neck, it's clearly in his face the ecstasy of doing it in a fresh female, his breath filled the alley and his groaning made him even more perverted. He tried to touch Sun-Hee by the neck, Sun-Hee tried to squirm away but it was useless as she could escape the old man's wall pin.

"You bitch!! stop moving!! Or i'll slice your throat " the old man placed the knife a little bit closer at her neck "come on, don't fight it I'll make your night worth it."

The old man stared at Sun-Hee's eyes and noticed it glancing away.

"Where are you looking at bitch!!" The old man said and turned around then saw Hyeon-Jun swing the metal pipe. "Crap"

"LET HER GO!!" Hyeon-Jun shouted and struck the old man at his back. "Sun-Hee run!!!"

The old man fell to the ground groaning in pain, Sun-Hee quickly runs towards Hyeon-jun but the old man held her legs making Sun-Hee stumble, Hyeon-Jun hurried to Sun-Hee's side and with the metal pipe still in his possession, he strike the old man for several times before the old man let go from his grip.

(Sniff.. Sniff... Sniff)

"Opa~~ sniff, I was scared~" Sun-Hee hugged Hyeon-Jun tightly.

"Sun-Hee, let's go" Hyeon-Jun said as he hugged her back, he quickly let go of the pipe and was about to pull Sun-Hee away, but in the process he saw the old man standing up with the metal pipe he was holding before. "Sun-Hee call for help!!"

He then pushed her as strong as he could, everything happened so fast that the last thing Hyeon-Jun saw was the crying face of Sun-Hee as she ran away and so was the old man's grinning face that was looking at him with his piercing golden eyes as he walked away.

*Ah~ I could feel my head burning and is in a lot of pain right now, my body feels so heavy and it's getting harder to breath as second goes by, am I dying? Ahh there's a lot of things I still regret to do, wait now that I noticed my life have been so cliché, first I was the son of the most richest man in Korea, but then my girlfriend wasted all my money and sold our companies secret but only Sun-Hee remained when my fathers company went bankrupt, At least I manage to save Sun-Hee* Hyeon-Jun started to lose consciousness as the blood from his head ran down into the alley. *ah~~ too much regret, if this is one of those reborn into the past story, dear god you know what to do*

|fuck no, you fuck it up not me, but fun things is about to happen, hope you enjoy it| mysterious voice. |now I want you to breathe|

*Huh, are you god?* Hyeon-Jun

|JUST FUCKING BREATHE!!!!| The mysterious voice shouted in Hyeon's head making a sudden jolt in his body and like what the voice said Hyeon-Jun despite the pain in his chest he took a deep breath.



"AUUHHHH!!!!" Hyeon-Jun gasp for air and for some reason he felt at ease and it wasn't painful anymore, a sudden bright light enveloped around him taking a few second for him to adjust but he could already hear a lot of mumbling word and unrecognizable hands and faces held him, when ringing in his ear faded he heard the person in front of him shouted a very few words that made him even more baffled.

