Chapter 23 - Fluffy Bunny?...!

Third Person's POV (4 yr.s old and 9 months old)

‘Where am I?’ Wilbert opens his eyes, and finds himself near a bush, facing a forest.

‘Weren't I inside a cave just now? How did I get here?’ the sun was up on the sky adding up to the confusion of where he is. A bunny appears from a bush, looks at Wilbert, then runs/hops to the left.

"Hey! Wait!" Wilbert hurriedly follows after the bunny. Not knowing why he’s following the bunny, only that he feels the urge to follow it, weird. His eyes abruptly turn to the side when the bunny made a sharp turn as he followed not quite stably.

He sheathed his sword and asked himself, how running while in light armor helps in this chase.

The trees gradually parted as he followed the creature, from another sharp turn inside a bush, he found himself facing a tall expanse of grass before him, the bunny hopped inside the tall shrubbery prompting Wilbert to follow.

He’s out! But it’s a field, with occasional trees here and there. The bunny perks its ears up nearby, and Wilbert notices.

"AHA!" The bunny’s running again! "No! Wait!" Wilbert ran after the bunny, giggling while on the way. Noticing the terrain going higher, once he had reached the top part, he marveled at the landscape before him.

An expanse of hills having relatively tall trees at each top, while far from view was another expanse of forest. The bunny jumped in front of his view.

“There you are! YAAAAA!”

Getting lost in the fun Wilbert is having, he doesn't notice the time passing by until he becomes tired after chasing the bunny, the sky had gradually turned bright yellow.

"I've got you know, *giggles*." Opening his hands, empty, he frantically turned around him trying to find the bunny. He ran after the creature once again after turning around.

Wilbert sits down on the grassy hill, guess running up and down, side by side, chasing the bunny on the hill, wore him out.

Taking deep breaths and calming his racing heart, he vaguely remembers the reason why he was here in the first place.

"Well who do we have here?" said an unknown voice.

"WAAHH!!" standing up in a hurry, he looked around to try and find the source of the one who talked just now.

"Who's there?!"

"Up here!" Wilbert looks up but gets scared when the mysterious person lands just a few feet in front of him.

"W-Who are… you?" he asked as the person, covered in a hood, nope wait, they just removed their co-ver... HUH?!?!?!?! He stared incredulously. A... b-b-bu-bunny? And its big!!! His eyes sparkled at the huge fluffy looking bunny before him.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Lana, the Fluffy Bunny and caretaker of this field." Fluffy bunny?

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I-I'm sorry, haha, It's just that, haha, your... uuhhhhh, hehe, what is it called?" he absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck.

"What is?" Lana said, while titling her head.

"The Fluffy Bunny... name?" he asked sheepishly.

"Oh, It's my title." The bunny said in a soft tone.

"Okay, I understand... Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Wilbert Talon, I have come to this place with the purpose of fulfilling a task given to me."

"Coralia did mention some kids, or toddler, are coming to one of our caves, it seems you were chosen by my cave."

"Uhh, could you please explain to me why your, uhm, cave chose me?"

"The cave chooses a certain individual whether an animal or human to enter its premises if that individual, met certain standards, that was set up by its owner."

"Oh, but what does that have to do with me?" I asked pointing my finger to myself while titling my head, curious as to how I'm here.

"It means you have met my standards." The bunny said enthusiastically, but the bunny’s smile caught the boy’s attention, for it looked so clear. So cool.

"Umm, is it okay to know what your standards are?" he asked.

"Kind hearted and sweet, but more importantly, a warrior, or in your case, a warrior to be." Wilbert tilted his head to the side.

"Now then, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to test you myself, whether what Trunk and Coralia said were true, but I have to transform into a human first." The bunny walked a few feet away from Wilbert providing space for the both of them...

"Wait I don't understand, what do you mean by you're going to test me?"

"You'll find out soon enough, now, if you'll excuse me, Transformation Magic: Human Form." Light enveloped the bunny, slowly reforming its body, into a human, with long curly hair, slender body, legs and arms and a... huh? bunny... hairband? Huh?.....

‘EEEEEEHHHHHH????????????’ Doesn't realize that he said it out loud.

"Y-You're a... Girl? " dumbfounded by what he’s seeing, he thought the bunny was a boy.

"Yes, why is that though?"

"Please forgive me!" the boy bowed deeply, the lady before him stared at the human in confusion, realization dawning in on her.

“Oh, so you thought I was a guy, no it's okay, and I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding." She said.

"No, it's okay too, i-it just… surprised me…” scratches the back of his neck. “Umm, excuse me for asking, but why are you almost naked?" he asked turning his gaze away from the sight before him.

‘I know I'm still a kid, but mama and papa taught me how to be courteous to the people around me, especially girls, I can't even begin to think of what my parents might do to me if they saw me like this.’

"Oh, I am terribly sorry, let me change a bit, Equip Magic: Battle Uniform." light enveloped he body before revealing a new set of clothing.

‘Woah, what kind of magic is that? Cause look at it, an armor, a sword, and a shield appeared out of nowhere or in this case, from a white light. COOL!!!’

(A.N.: Anyone familiar with fairy tale? if you do then, you might be familiar with this magic, and if you don't then let me explain, the concept of the magic I used in this chapter is similar to one of magic used by one of the characters in the anime series "Fairy Tale" -I'm a fan of it- and her name is Erza Scarlet,

her magic let's her conjure many types of armor and weapons, with different varieties, which is at her disposal, some having elemental properties, while others seem to be just armor and weapons, but with destructive properties,

she was also able to conjure a shield, she is a relentless fighter, -just like every anime fantasy character-, which makes her a good example for my character, then again, if there are those that know this character, please don't issue me for plagiarism, as I just want to use her as a model for my character in this story, hehe)

"Shall we start?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am!" said the boy enthusiastically, drawing his sword and shield.

"Quick question!” Wilbert raised his hand, the one holding his sword. “What is your Class miss Lana?"

(A.N.: Have I already introduced the class types that every character is affiliated? If not, please do inform me, hehe)

"I'm a Warrior Class." She said while readying her sword and stance. The boy nodded in response.

"Hup!..." with a quick thrust, Wilbert parried Lana’s blade, but felt the weight of her strength.

"Ouch!" gritting his teeth, he backed off. ‘Too strong.’

"Oops sorry, was that too much? But no worries, with this, I'll be able to gauge how much training you'll be indulged in the future." She said.

"*GASP* You're going to train me?" the boy asked, excitement coursing through his body, the previous pain, forgotten.

"Yes, that is if you'll gain my approval." She replied, Wilbert felt a change in the atmosphere, it's like the lady before him transitioned from sweet to serious -slightly-.

"Shall we continue?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Here I go." Widening his stance, and lowering the body a little, for balance just like what his uncle taught him, *Clank* letting his shield take the blow, enables him to strike back *parry* with a bit of a difficulty,

*slash, Slash*

*Parry, Thrust, evade*


Evading the flurry of attacks is a very difficult task, for trying to parry Lana’s blows are like defending against’ a hammer, very powerful, it's like she's using a blunt weapon with each of her slashes, -forgot that he's still a child- evading her became his option... wait not this time!

"UGhh!" feeling the impact of her weapon on his shield made his arm weaken, it felt like there was more pressure than before, and the speed of which she hit his shield, he couldn't keep up with it.

Noticing the lady’s sword glow blue.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Enchant Magic, the power to enhance the density, sharpness, or durability of an object, I used a little bit of my mana to enchant my weapon, in order to test whether you are able to withstand the pressure of an enchanted sword." she explained. COOL!

"Umm, what about the speed? Was that an enchantment too?" he added.

"More or less yes, it's a product of Enchant Magic, which I'd like to call, accelerate, casting it on myself allowed me to move faster than normal, you could say it’s a buff, as it wears over time." she explained.

"Umm, what's a buff?" he asked, tilting his head once again.

"A buff is another type of Enchant Magic, they give you a boost to your physical prowess, commonly, some of these boost focus on strength and speed, while others focus on mana regeneration,

As we're all prone to using our mana to the point of using it all up, it's good to have a buff that boosts mana regeneration, allowing your mana to fill up faster than usual, allowing you to use more spells frequently."

"Ooohh, I get it now."

"Why don't you show me what you can do with your magic on this dummies.” Lana turns around and chants. “Nature Magic: Wooden dummy." One dummy made out of wood appeared before the two and was placed just 2 meters away from Miss Lana.

"Go ahead and try Wilbert." she said while gesturing to the dummy in front, Wilbert nodded at her and walked to the front while she situated herself to the side.

"Sword Style: Triple cut!" by slashing his sword vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, three waves of energy flew towards the dummy, hitting it square to the chest and creating smoke upon landing,

After the smoke cleared, three slashes were seen on the chest of the dummy, the visible reparing of the dummy intrigued Wilbert turning his gaze to Lana, no doubt a questioning look on his face.

"That is Restoration Magic, as long as my mana hasn't run out, I am able to restore the dummy unto top shape, making it look good as new." The lady explained.

"Oh *nods*, will I be able to use it too?" the boy asked, another sparkle in his eyes.

"Of course, I can teach you."

"How about Enchant Magic? Can you teach it to me too?" he pleaded in his mind, chanting a series of ‘Please’.

"Sure." Lana said with a smile.

"Yey! Thank you very much Miss Lana." The boy bowed with a smile stuck on his face.

"You're welcome, now is that the only thing you are able to do?" asked Miss Lana.

"I've got one last spell up my sleeve." He faced the dummy again.

"Well then, let's see it." With a nod at his to be mentor, he stashed his shield on his back then held his sword with both hands, he jumped in the air suddenly, positioning his sword downward, and in midair he chanted...

"Sword Magic: Porcupine Spears!" Upon landing in front of the dummy he thrust the sword on the ground initiating the spell, shooting out spears of energy on the ground around him, impaling the dummy and anyone who would be fortunate enough to be near him.

He retracted the sword from the ground and the energy spears vanished.

"Wow, that's a very good spell you got there, you can use it when your enemies surround you and they wouldn't be able to escape from it on the last second, seeing as you are able to initiate it in a flash." Miss Lana said, a feint blush, painting the little boy’s face from the compliment.

"Awww, look at you blushing from a compliment, is this your first time being complimented?"

"Not really, but it is a first time coming from Miss though."

"That's cute, how about we spar again and after that we'll take a break, what do you say?"

"Sure! I'd like to Miss Lana!"

"Okay, ready?"


"Ha!" -Wilbert and Lana-

