Chapter 58 - Visit

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)

Five months have passed and their four new companions have slowly adjusted to the obnoxious training regime and class schedule, having been disrupted in between by Ken’s plans made it all the more interesting to learn and train.

Or not.

But they were still not used to Ken’s unpredictable mind, as they were either pestered early in the morning when they were almost out of bed, on rest days where they go out and have fun on the nearby caves, but are only able to access three which where their Master’s caves.

Sometimes they would become samples for Ken’s experiments, either by getting themselves doused in elemental spells or were subject to Ken’s physique inspection, it was not a good experience.

Thankfully the experiments stopped, they were relieved, until Ken said that he would continue for another time, with all of them, dread filled their faces as their expressions fell, the four thought to themselves how Ken’s friends were able to withstand such torture in the past.

Just as they were beginning to doubt their choice of training at the Northern Village, Ken explained to them the purpose of such experiments, he reasoned out to them that through all those stupid, and harsh experiments they endured were for them to be prepared both mentally and physically.

As usual they were outraged by such underhanded tactic, they threw acquisitions at first, Ken endured, but as they were afflicted by Ken’s power of concept, this time, the concept of adaptation, they were able understand, albeit slowly, but were able to.

Ken knew this was something akin to that of forcing people to do his bidding, but if he wants these people to rely more on their skills, abilities, and more importantly, themselves, he has to create scenarios wherein they are challenged, to bring out their potentials.

He was questioned though, why he was permitted to do such methods, Ken explained that he earned himself a right to have control over the schedule in one of his duels with the Masters, or in his case, a duel with Master Klein.

Of course he lost, but he was still given the chance to make experiments and obnoxious trainings to better hone the skills of his companions, hence the reason. He still reasoned out that his tactics where underhanded and that they have the right to complain from time to time.

A month after the four saw results of Ken’s experiments on them, in the chances of being far more sturdy, observant, quick witted, and evasive, they were surprised and grateful for the results and wants to thank Ken.

They did so in their own ways.

Riyah was first as she did not hesitate to confront Ken and give him her thanks, Ken was dumbfounded at first and then realized what Riyah meant, he smiled and said that since she had seen the results, there is no need to undergo it again -or maybe she’ll still undergo such training-.


He also deduced that the others had undergone the changes too, he’ll just wait for them to approach him, and approach him they did.

Princess Lang confronted him through a duel, and as they were flinging spells left and right, Ken was surprised at how fast the princess was able to evade and react to her situation.

She had achieved her first win against Ken when he was unable to see the princess only to realize too late that she’s pointing her sword at his neck, and so their battle ended, with both parties satisfied and finally a truce between rivals.

Ken rejected the idea, of course the princess was shocked but hearing Ken explain why, made her even more indulged to be Ken’s rival, Ken reasoned, that by having him as a rival, the princess will be able to have a certain person to catch up to and be equals in terms of strength.

Icarus was not as grand as what the princess did, he only head-butted Ken and turned to prepare for the day, but it wasn’t Ken who was embarrassed, it was Icarus, and that’s when Ken realized that he too is expressing his gratitude.

Ken’s friends where unpleased with what transpired, he calmed them down by reason again and showing that he was okay as he used healing magic to alleviate the pain, nonetheless the two were fuming but got stopped the moment they acted upon themselves to confront Icarus.

And literally, they were stopped on their tracks with Ken’s ice magic, both looked like scolded puppy of not getting what they want, Ken sighed as to what he should do but smiled as the two reasoned out that they understood the situation perfectly later that day.

Flin just played a song for Ken as a sign of his gratitude and the two talked the whole day away right after the incident with Icarus.

On this fifth month, they were visited, by one of the rulers of the wild. The Mountain Lion King who rules the animalistic side of the forest, was here today to witness the growth of the children with two of his chosen warriors.

The passing of the position of throne of the mountain Lion King is similar to that of nobility or royalty, meaning, any offspring or first born of the King, will ascend to his throne once his time is up, and like any King they would have a Queen to be with.

Only their tradition of who rules is akin to that of wolves, unlike alpha, and beta, the mountain lions go by King, General, and Judiciary. The General and Judiciary position is given to a warrior lion if the King deems them worthy, and only the heir to the throne is able to choose who he or she will give the position to.

Almost all responsibility and power is given to those lions holding the position. A unique tradition, Ken thought, as they were able to learn their hierarchical system in the past, but this time they were able to watch and experience for themselves the system those Mountain Lions follow.

The three mountain lions approached the three masters in their feline form, fortunately, the group was informed ahead of time of the visit, so they were well groomed to receive the guests, even though the Lion King looked to be of lower status and strength as their Master Klein, they were reminded firmly to be respectful, as the lions were the owner of this vast valley.

“Greetings your majesty.” said Master Klein as he bowed on a ninety degree angle, along with the other two masters.

“Raise your head Klein, we can forget about formalities for this time, it’s good to see you” said the King, although the three humans got themselves accustomed to magical beasts talking, the voice of the King still caught them off guard as it held nobility and maturity to it.

As if the King speaking is like going up against an individual with power, nevertheless they were able to adjust quickly. All eleven students/ disciples stood in a formation of two lines, six at the front, and five at the back, alternating from boy to girl and so on, awaiting for instructions.

As this day was Monday, everyone wore their training attire and had their weapons set aside for exercise, as this was what they would normally do, but with the visit of the King, they instead wore their combat attire and had their weapons strapped behind their back and/ or by their waist.

Everyone knew the purpose of the visit, and it is to test out the chosen warriors of the King in a battle between the two lion warriors and two students, the battle shall be done by one versus one and simultaneously done at the same time, so as not to waste time as they only have one day of visit before returning to their responsibilities.

After the 1v1 battles, then comes the by pair battle, a team-fight of sorts, and the two students chosen will also be the ones to fight in it.

As usual everyone asked the purpose behind, and the masters told them that the King came to test out the strengths of his warriors, since they are unable to test it out on their kind, might as well test it out on them.

Everyone was absurded by the fact, but then Icarus asked that were those warriors the strongest in their kingdom and had no one to spar too, Master Ulysses confirmed it and said to them that even though the warriors are adults and are adept in combat, they have never once in their lives tried fighting against a human or a magical beast in human form.

The only downside with them is that they are unable to assume human form since they are primal animal beasts, the reason behind is that their ancestors are of pure animal form before turning to magical beasts, unlike primal magical beasts, where they are well integrated with magic and are born from it.

Additionally, primal animal beasts are only able to use from one to three types of elements, while magical beasts can use and learn other types of elements, aside from Ken’s arcane magic, which can only be learned by humans, and sadly, only ever available to humans.


Anyone can call them either primal animal beasts or magical beasts -just not primal magical beasts-. But having them go against children is still quite absurd in itself.

In regards of the position of the warriors why they are called ‘General’, and ‘Judiciary’, the former governs the military might of the Lion Kingdom, while the latter governs the political affairs of the Lion Kingdom, apparently they have this kind of system in this valley.

“It’s good to see you too your Majesty, here are our disciples, you may pick two of them for the mock battle.” said Master Klein and gestured to the group.

“My, my, are we really going to head in to battle first? Why not make ourselves comfortable with them, we have a day’s worth of time for our visit.” said the Lion King, as the group thought, still uninformed of the name of his majesty.

“If you insist, do we take a leisure day and let them talk before the battle? Or we let the warriors join in on the session of the disciples?” asked Master Klein. The King fell into thought, giving the choices consideration.

“We can do the latter.” said the King and strolled towards the sidelines before pausing with his two warriors. “And where might I stay for the time being?” he asked.

“Please, this way.” said Master Lana as she guided the King near the table where they usually eat lunch, for beside it is a makeshift rock for the King to leisure himself, the King nodded to his two warriors to let them go to the group, and that they did.

“Allen, please lead the session, you may now start the class.” Allen nodded and proceeded to command the group along the other two warrior lions, and the two Masters proceeded to where his Majesty is. The group then changed attire for the session.

The morning air was still crisp and fresh as it carried with it the cold atmosphere. So as the group we’re exercising they felt at ease firstly from the cold air, and that the warrior lions did not treat them any different.

The group conversed with the warriors at the beginning of the session, they were able to make themselves comfortable with one another, so now they don’t feel any tension while exercising, only the warriors have difficulty doing the disciples exercises, and were asked to sit it out.

Except for running or jogging.

After the exercise now came magic training, the group showed their magic to the two warriors and the warriors did so too, the group exchanged ideas on how they can better improve their control, power, and efficiency in controlling magic.

Since the group were still young, their magic were often chaotic at times, compared to the warrior’s precise and controlled way of using magic, even the princess was slightly impressed, seeing as she comes from a noble bloodline.

With what the warriors taught the group they were able to at least use their magic moderately compared to the warriors, just slightly controlled and precise, they were glad to have learned such useful method, but as always they did not even turn to look at how Ken is doing with his magic.

Even the warriors are impressed at his control over his magic, but everyone except White knows that this was due to Ken’s first created skill, concept, causing his mastery over elements and arcane magic to be maxed level. A cheat skill, as what White always thought.

Lunch rolled by smoothly, the group had a hearty meal giving praise to Ken’s cooking as he would do every lunch on Monday, surprisingly it became tradition since the last time Ken and Celine talked about him cooking, while their guests ate theirs raw.

No one had any qualms as they were able to experience it in the past. Right as they were able to rest for an hour after lunch they are now ready for the mock battle. Everyone wore their combat suit again and prepared their weapons and proceeded to a formation on the field.

Luckily the afternoon was in laid with a few clouds making the heat bearable, as the group again waited for further instructions, the Masters walked up front to them with the three mountain lions at their right, ready to pick out two students to fight against.

“Your Majesty, have you picked the students to spar with your warriors?” asked Klein.

