Chapter 60 - Presentation

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)

With the poison cured, Ken and Lila high-fived at their work done, but a stare was boring on him.

‘Why is the King looking at me like that? It’s like his majesty is scrutinizing me, wait, haven’t I felt this stare in the past too?’

“Human named Ken, would you do me the honor of showing your skills to me?” asked the King,

“I-if you insist your highness.” Ken bowed and stood straight again “What element would you like me to display my King?” he asked.

“I believe I haven’t introduced myself, please, call me Raze.” said the King.


“Your Majesty!”

“Your Majesty, that’s preposterous.” Oh-kay. That’s an interaction he did not quite expect, almost looking comical as the warriors proceeded to berate their King.

Ken felt sheepish at this situation.

“How many times have we ever told you about this matter?” said the Lion warrior with the Judiciary position.

“I for once agree with him on this matter, you cannot just casually let other people call you by your name, you’re of higher standing.” maybe this guy is the one who holds the Judiciary position. He should’ve listened to their voices earlier as to find a difference between the two.

‘Wait, what about their buffs?’

The first one who spoke has traces of the earth guard buff while the other has none, it’s official the first one who spoke has the position of General, while the other has the position of Judiciary.

‘Really? That’s what you’re busy thinking about? Then what of the Judiciary lion said, are you not concerned about that?’ -White-

‘Hmm? Now that you’ve mentioned it, I am.’ He replied, and focused back on what the lions are talking. ‘uhhh, they’re just bickering, about the King wanting me to call him by the name of ‘Raze’, I could just slap myself.’

“Please Lions of noble origins, do not fight over what decision the King made, especially something he is adamant about.” he said, stopping them from bickering further.

“And what do you know human? Stay out of our business.” said the General. Ken’s pretty tempted to just call them like this in his head since to mention out their full title is such a hassle.

“Our matters are our own child, you don’t have a say in it.” said the Judge, and for the record calling this guy Judiciary is like calling a whole court into duty, Judge it is.

“Is it not customary to be involved when a person is mentioned, so that makes it my business too.” He say, but the two lion’s expressions says otherwise.

“Huh?! Are you challenging us Kid?” said the General, Ken instantly backed away holding his hands up, the other looking so endearing.

“No sir.” Ken reply almost instantly.

“Then what?!” said the General angrily. This guy has a big temper! That’s a bit, intimidating.

“I just want to say that won’t it be much more easier for everyone if you accept the King’s request?” still holding his hands up, cold sweat rolling down his face since the General’s face is really near his. Help.


“That’s enough Riven.” said the King, Ken peeked out from the body of the General lion, but instantly backed up and stood still, he brought down his hands.

“But your Majesty-“

“And besides, the kid is right, why don’t you two just accept that I want the Kid to call me by my name.” said the King.

‘Why thank you, nope wait, I don’t mean it.’


“No more buts, now where were we, ah yes, you were asking me what element I would like you to use.” Ken nod at the King, phew, General or should he address as Riven went back to his majesty’s side.

“I’m quite fond of other magic, so it would be nice if you could use rare ones, but I would like to test your aptitude on the earth element, so let’s go with earth.” Ken could work with that.

“Understood your majesty.”

“What did I say about calling me?” said the King angrily.

“Yes sir Raze.” *slap*

‘Huh? Did he just slapped his face with his paw? No wait, he did.’’

“Well I can’t really force you now can I, very well, I shall accept this as it is.” said the King dejectedly, but his spirit lift seconds later. The King walked to the center of the field and beckoned Ken to come.

“Please give us some space everyone.” said the King, this way, both of them won’t be able to hurt anyone, the group stepped back towards the edge of the field leaving the other two lions, they look around seeming to question why Ken’s friends and Masters walked a great distance.

“Start with a basic spell, can you conjure an earth pillar?” said the King, he nodded in reply. Holding a hand out in front, he chanted…

“Earth Magic: Earth Pillar.” one earth pillar the circumference of one meter and five feet tall burst forth from the ground in front.

“Good, now can you make many?” the King said, he stomped his paw on the ground and five earth pillars with the same circumference and height as Ken’s erupted in front of in a line. The boy nod in confirmation.

‘How about I make it ascending.’

“Earth Magic: Earth Pillars.” twenty earth pillars the same as last time emerged from behind the earth pillar he conjured before in an ascending order, made them half a feet higher from the previous pillar? The King has a slightly surprised face.

“Apologize sir Raze, but you might want to close your mouth.” Ken says. Still in humor.

“Oh r-right.” The King looked around before pouncing a good five meters away from Ken. “How about trying surrounding yourself with those pillars. Earth Magic: Earth Pillars!” Almost simultaneously a flurry of earth pillars erupted from the ground and formed what looks like a small mountain but made out of pillars, one pillar in particular carried the King up.

Ken nodded again and jumped back and then back-flipped two times creating a good ten meters away from his previous location before activating the earth pillars spell.

The earth rumbled as earth pillars rose from the ground in a circumference starting from my position, only stopping at the edge of the King’s own little mountain.

The tallest pillar which Ken rode flung him into the air, did a flip mid-air and landed on the pillar, it’s quite high up here. Hmm maybe two meters high than the King’s, yeah it’s not that high.

“Amazing! Can you do this?!” said the King “Earth Magic: Rock Barrage!” Rocks formed on mid air around the King and flung itself to the ground exhausting all of the created rocks creating smoke. Ken smiled. Let me make this interesting.

“Earth Magic: Continuous Rock Barrage.” small rocks formed around him before assaulting the ground, with a gentle turn of the hand, the rocks follow where he was aiming to the side on a clearing, Ken withdraw his magic ceasing the assault as the ground turned smokey.

‘Get it, smokey. No? Okay…’

Wind swept from out of nowhere clearing the smoke and Ken saw that it was the King who did it as the other held his paw emitting a light green color.

“I didn’t expect that you were able to do that, well then, how about wind magic?” the King said still on his platform. Ken looked at the field.

“Wind Magic: Tornado” A big tornado formed in front of him the size greater than their pillars combined, with a very wide width if he might add, the King raised his paw and as if the tornado had a mind of its own it also rose leaving the ground clean.

Ken could see his friends shielding themselves from the strong wind, and as he looked back at the tornado it dispersed, he wonders about something.

‘Where did their magic circles go? Hmmm, wait if I remember correctly, the magic circles disperse if the action of the spell is done right?’

So maybe since the earth is solid and can stand on its own then the circle disappears right after, meh makes sense. ‘Wow I’m agreeing to my own argument.’

“Your turn.” said the King, Ken nodded and held out both hands, this time two magic circles appeared, one at his feet and the other in front, almost covering his frame.

“Wind Magic: Dance of Blades.” A twisting zone appeared on the field that looked like a circular wind wall from the outside but the wind inside is rotating, with Ken as the focal point.

Wind blades of all shapes and sizes that he could think off formed inside the zone and revolved at the winds rotating direction.

Since this is a channeled spell, it leaves him vulnerable to any attacks, but is still able to use the wind blades to fight any predecessors, as for the circular wall,

It’s pretty transparent but no one will be able to go in or out of the zone, except if one flies over or teleport, but flying makes it hard as they could get sucked in like there’s some kind of vortex.

Ken used the blades to destroy random pillars here and there, a spell he created weeks ago when he had a one on ten battle with the disciples,

Looks at the King.

‘Is that fascination?’ for the King looked at him with a gaping mouth. Ken’s prideful nature rearing it’s smug face by the corner.

“This is amazing! What else can you do with both elements?” asked the King, Ken stopped channeling as the spell lifted. He held his chin with his right hand as left arm wrap around his stomach. Hmmm…

“It depends sir Raze on the situation.” he said.

“Show me.” The other replied, why does it feel like he’s very pleased with this, it almost feels like his eyes are sparkling, and coming from Ken who’s basically far away from him with this distance, but how come they can still here each other. ‘Oh right, forgot, I have heightened senses now.’

“Okay.” Ken replied as he used earth magic again to bury the earth pillars he created back to the even ground before and he saw the other followed suit. ‘Okay time to burn some mana. Wait no not literally burn, exhaust them.’

-After an hour of casting earth and wind spells-

‘Okay, I think the King is satisfied with this, man I’m hungry now, must be time for lunch,’ he looked at the table and see that the guys are preparing the food, so it is lunch time now. ‘Huh, I didn’t notice the time run by.’

“Thank you Ken, I had a good time exchanging pointers and spells with you today.” said the King as he approached the boy, his Majesty’s size almost towering over the other two lions by his side. Like almost twice as large as a regular Lion.

Ken aspires to be tall, a sudden thought entering his mind.

That vibrant reddish brown main swaying at every step. All three lions having distinct air to them, the Judge, having that noble countenance, the general, appearing rowdy and rough, while the King looked Majestic.

“You’re welcome your highness.” Ken bows before straightening himself and walked toward his friends, the three lions went to talk with the Masters.

“Please do visit once again your highness.” he hears his Master Klein say.

“Oh right that reminds, one of the reasons why I visited the village today is that because other primal animal beasts whishes for your students to visit them.” Ken stopped in his tracks on what the King just said and turned to face them, only they’re looking at each other.

“The others your highness?” asked Master Lana.

“Yes, they said that they would be very delighted if your group could come visit them, they also want to see how well the children they’ve encountered and helped in the past have grown now.” that got him curious.

‘Is his majesty talking about me, Celine and, Wilbert? I can’t help but wonder.’ The King turned to look at the other, Ken could feel that the King somehow smiled at him.

“If you’re wondering who I’m talking about, it’s you and you’re other human friends Ken.” He said, his eyes widened slightly in realization, Ken nodded.

‘Why would they want to meet us again? Hmmmm….’

“Well, we’ll be off then, thank you Klein for accommodating us for the day.” said the King.

“Why don’t you join us for lunch your Majesty?” asked Master Ulysses while bowing.

“Don’t worry we have prepared our own lunch back at home and our families are waiting for us, so we won’t be staying for long.” said the King as he conjured a slab of rock from the ground, sat on top of it as the rock floated with other bits below it, as did the other lions.

An earth spell Ken named, ‘Dashing Board’ letting the conjurer use a slab of rock to surf on the ground, kind of like a surfboard on sea, but this one is on land, introduced when he couldn’t move from place to place faster.

Learning the spell was hard but gradually and in an instant the lions were able to grasp the concept behind the spell and was able to use it pretty well while riding. Surprise was evident on Ken.

He had only taught them how to use it and now they’re like pro on it, maybe because they are prone to using the land so much that it’s almost second nature for them? Not to mention their proficiency in manipulating the earth, he doesn’t even wanna bother.

The King left with the two lions as they rode with their earth boards back, not even leaving a trail from the earth wave they were creating, ‘Wow, guess I underestimated their potential.’

‘Okay Ken, let’s not think of underestimating them anymore, hooh, okay, we are normal human beings, hooh, okay,‘

he skipped towards the table and-

“Everyone, we’ll be leaving to plan for our visits for the other primal animal beasts.” said Master Klein, the group nodded in confirmation and the three of them left, ‘Okay, where was I, ahh yes, skipping towards the table, I’m halfway there. Foooooooooooo~~~~~’
