Chapter 128 - Choice

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs., 8 months and 1 week old)

“Apart from such an unpleasant experience, I don’t think what master said should be taken into deep heartache.” suddenly said Ken as he served his group the delicacies he heated for a few minutes.

These were the goodies he baked from earlier, and many at that. ‘Never thought I’d be talking about a topic concerning her again this early’ he thought and sighed inwardly to himself, ‘If only they weren’t able to hear that conversation from the Masters.’

The group stared at him in confusion. He glanced at them and back to the Masters.

“Arcane Magic: Sound Alteration.” He casted suddenly, enveloping everyone in a translucent bubble of purple energy then slowly turned invisible. The process was fast so as those that were fairly distanced from them didn’t notice much.