Chapter 137 - It’s like this

Third Person’s POV (12 yrs., 8 months)

In what seems to be darkness ahead, Ken’s figure floated silently on the vast space he is in, softly holding his knees to his body, he slowly opened his eyes.

‘Ah, I’m here again, the place where I discard everything.’

Flashbacks and fragments of memories opened like a video around him, minus the square or rectangular shape, these ones were jagged and looked like broken pieces of glass.

‘I know that coming here was so I could maintain my overall balance with oneself, but I wonder if…’ he reached out for one memory in front of him. ‘if there is more for me here than just being a dump.’

Bright light enveloped him as he touched a fragment of a memory, the surroundings turned from pitch black, to the patch of dirt on his feet, him wearing jeans, white shoes and a grey hoodie.

He pulled back the hood from his head and looked at his surroundings.