Chapter 142 - Disappear

“Uhh, Ken.” said Flin tapping on Ken’s shoulder, both their feet caressed by the waves of the sea. The latter turned to his friend still with that huge grin on his soaked face.

“Yes?” he asked.

“You know that they’re all sweaty from exercising right?” said Flin gesturing to the distressed people behind them, Ken nodded. “Then why did you bring them here at the beach?”

The other only gave him a huge grin.

“I wanted to play in the water, with everyone.” replied Ken as if it’s a matter of fact.

“Huh?” everyone who heard his reason went silent. On the corner of Ken’s vision he felt a tingling sensation of darkness looming.

“Do you have any idea what you are doing?!” reprimanded Allen, appearing behind Ken, which startled the other male and hugged himself crouching.

Allen’s tall figure exuded so many dark energies that when he looked at Ken, Ken could almost imagine those angry anime characters who’s upper bodies were covered in darkness while their eyes glinted a dangerous red.

Ken could only give Allen a pitiful look.

“DO NOT GIVE ME THAT PATHETIC LOOK!” the other reprimanded again, Ken looked even more pitiful as crocodile tears fell on his cheeks, kneeling on the water reaching just above his knees as he awaited for Allen to scold him.

And scolding, he did.

The people at the side could only scratch their heads awkwardly or ignore the commotion before them, for as much as they also want to reprimand their friend/ student alongside Allen, he should be more than enough to bring a dozen nagging to Ken.

That makes them wonder still, why would their companion/student bring them here at the beach, what could Ken want here for.

Because usually, when Ken does those abrupt decision, either there’s something he wants from this particular area or person, or his curiosity got piqued and now he’s on the hunt to sate that curiosity, or more like that’s what Celine thought.

After all, how could she not determine what type of character Ken is and the personality he has when the three of them including Wilbert where stuck to the hip from a young age.

She’d be able to pick up a thing or two.

Wilbert as well, for as far as he knows, whenever Ken and the rest of them are given tasks or missions to do, he would almost always find how Ken’s temperament and character changes when tackling such tasks.

Like there is a need to fulfill the task as easy as possible, as quickly as possible, and low on casualties. Blame Ken again for instilling on them the principle of conservation even in doing missions.

So he was wondering why the certain qualities he mentioned before, is clearly showing on Ken, It’s just subtle but Wilbert still notices it. What could he be anxious for? He thought to himself.

Yeah, he’ll just ask later, for now, what can they do, Allen’s still not finish scolding Ken.

The five Masters almost wanted to laugh at the current predicament before them, but as the adults they were, there is a need for them to take control of the situation, else they let everything get out of hand.

But really, why would their student Ken bring them to the beach, of course his reason from before can be valid for mostly that is how Ken just is, simple minded and straight to the point with over the top actions.

And despite being a simpleton, when it comes to things he is extremely passionate about, turns him quite scary, yep, they have deemed Ken’s passion for training and magic to the extreme because just look at all the evidence from before.

Clearly the kid is hooked at being a practitioner of both martial arts and magic, they could only sigh at the student that they were nurturing, a monster in both magic and physical combat.

The other mammoth beside the still gloomy figure doesn’t mind though, coming to this place.

A big splash of sea water was heard from a distance catching everyone’s attention, and when they turned at the direction where the sound came, nothing was there, but the Masters were aware, and Ken.

That something was present in the waters. It feels so familiar, thought Lana, picking up on the mana signatures coming from the water but couldn’t quite remember who or what.

In one quick motion, the water from the shore was pulled, that quickly turned into a large tide crashing towards their direction. Everyone wasn’t able to react in time as the water splashed on them.

Leaving them all sprawled out on the sand, groaning from the impact, the wave was imbued with both the might of the sea and magic, making Ken think how rude this person must be to try and beat them up.

They were soaked from top to bottom, as were the others’ concern.

They were just here for a quick trip to the beach, must there be others to disturb them?! Or at least that’s what he thinks… and more. No matter he’ll just let this water take him to whenever because he is so upset he doesn’t want to move an inch.

If everyone were attentive enough, they would be able to see Ken floating away from the group, arms crossed, a deep frown on his face, the water was no problem as he conjured a water bubble on his head and used momentum magic to stay afloat.

“Land dwellers! You have trespassed the waters of beast valley, PREPARE TO BE ELI- Oh my.” said a voice.

“Yeah, yeah, I think you have forgotten that I own the valley?” said Klein standing up, dusting some sand that got on his robes and issuing a simple spell to dry his robes, the other person of course wasn’t spared from the death glare of the leader as she quivered at the grave offence she did.

The students wondered whom their master were speaking to -still wet and slightly unaware-, once they’ve gathered their bearings, they stared at the creature by the beach bowing ashamedly at their Master. It was a mermaid clad in shell armor, except that she isn’t wearing any helmet.

Wait… others like her are here as well, thought Glen as he and the rest moved their gaze at the sea where other mermaids and mermen were at.

‘Never seen them before in this place.’ thought Riyah, she knows that obviously there were fish people that live in this world, but she hasn’t really come and interacted with them that much, except for their visit with Masters Abel and Rena’s cave, where there were other mer people, only they did not wear armor.

And the mer people before them wore armor that resembled that of guards and/or soldiers, Princess Lang’s eyes captured the light glisten of the shell armor as well as how it was thoroughly and carefully made.

Who can blame them when out of all the places in the valley, only the edge of the barrier and the beach were the ones they haven’t visited yet, add Princess Lang and Flin as well as this was their first time here too.

“We are deeply sorry Master for the misunderstanding, we thought you were invaders for your abrupt arrival at the shore startled us.” said the female in charge of this area, head bowed down in shame.

“It’s alright, we apologize for the confusion as well, our student brought us here in such short notice that we forgot to tell you beforehand.” replied Klein, making the mermaid raise her head and exclaim a breath of relief.

Good thing their Master was a kind person.

“Anyway, now that we’re here, I might as well inquire whether there have been sightings of anything unusual here by the beach.” said Klein, a merman approached Klein, stopping side by side the mermaid, gave a deep bow of respect.

“Aside from last time’s incident of those people wearing black clothing, there has been none so far Master.” said the man in his deep strong voice. Klein nodded at the report of the armored fellow.

“Then you may all leave us and return to your posts, thank you for your hard work.” said Klein getting a chorus of ‘Yes Master’ from the mer people, they all but fled from the scene as per instructed of them, but with grateful hearts.

Their Master had praised them.

“So, I guess you’ve kept those nomads from a distant island.” said Ros who approached Klein from the back, walking to his side, his sharp look contrasting the inquiry in his voice.

“Yes, well, we already know what happened to their place of origin so I gave them the beach for them to settle in until that place has calmed down.” replied Klein, looking at the distance where he could see the normal looking island.

With a little bit of help from his magic.

Ros shrugged as he too let his gaze wonder on his surroundings, his fun from earlier halted from that teleportation spell, but what else can they do here, technically they should have started magic class.

What could they do here except swimming in the water, his magic would not be compatible since he uses fire and earth, Kilean as well since he uses wind and lightning, then maybe…

“Klein how-“

“Wait, where’s Ken?” said Klein interrupting Ros and his train of thought, glancing from the beach to the sea, despite wherever he looked Ken was nowhere to be found.

Ros was inclined to look as well, for that little devil was the cause of all the commotion from before, and now he’s creating more.

Hearing what Klein said, the group turned to look for their missing companion, the students wondering where their friend went with a little bit of anxiousness because like before whenever he’s gone, it would almost always end up with him doing a scheme.

The masters were not that much worried thought because if ever Ken needs any help, with their superior talents and skills they’ll be able to help within seconds. Oh right, why don’t they use their magic to locate where that brat went.

“Far-sight Magic: Long Range Clairvoyance.” casted Lana, forming a yellow magic circle below her as magic circles formed in front of her eyes, assisting her in locating where that boy went.

With just one blink, Lana was able to locate their missing student, but he was so far away, the far sight magic helped her pinpoint Ken’s location in her brain creating a mental map of where he was by determining his magic signature,

With the assistance of the magic circle on her eyes, it helped her vision zoom in on the boy who was silently floating away on the calm sea, about one kilometer away from shore, with a bubble on his head, arms crossed on his chest.

“How did he get there so fast?” Lana could not help but voice out.

“Who?” asked Klein who was waiting by her side when Lana activated far sight magic, he wanted to use it as well but seeing that Lana beat her to it, he didn’t force it upon himself to do so.

It’s not that their magic would overlap one another, what’s the use of using both when a single far sight spell could efficiently locate anyone from a far distance.

“Ken.” replied Lana. Klein’s eyebrows creased in confusion, in the end he used the same magic as well and can’t believe his eyes going wide in disbelief, but dull the next. Seriously, this student of theirs is either troublesome at one moment, then compliant the next.

Before he could enhance his voice with arcane magic to call on Ken, the bubble on top of Ken’s head popped and his body submerged in the water.

Both Masters were scared out of their wits that their student might drown but knowing how great of a swimmer Ken is, they returned to their state of calmness from before.

But it was quickly disturbed once again when they felt a strong pulse of magic power, the pulse did not go unnoticed from the people by the beach and swimming below the sea, once they determined that the magic pulse came from a specific point from far away.

Which was were Ken was, the next second of calmness turned absolutely bright as a magic circle as with a radius of 1 kilometer appeared before them, facing the vast ocean that they were also facing.

The people by the shore could not help but have their eyes almost bulge out of their eye sockets from the abrupt gathering of magic from nowhere, and if one would look closely, at the center, a silhouette of a person could be seen floating.

That long black hair and common clothing noticeable in the naked eye.

“Far-Sight Magic: LONG RANGE CLAIRVOYANCE!” shouted a voice of which the others determined coming from the person using that magic. Upon hearing the magic being used, everyone present in the area can’t help but snap out of their minds.

The expression of ‘Eh?’ was clearly shown on their faces.
