Chapter 146 - Father

‘What could that old man be thinking of this time.’ she could not help but ridicule in her heart. She knows the kind of character her father has, and this were one of the proofs of it.

“Princess, are you okay?” asked Celine, genuinely worried for her friend. From the sudden outburst earlier to the silent narrowed, pondering eyes to now, she watched her friend change expressions by the second.

Princess Lang was a sophisticated person, so she wonders why is her friend so anxious knowing her father wants to meet them. Is it because his father is strict? Or someone bad? If so then there’s no need to worry, Celine is sure to herself that she and the others can fend for themselves.

She would really want to say those thoughts aloud, but she knows to herself -and what Ken drilled into them-, that private matters are not to be poked up and about, it all depends on the person whether he or she chooses to share it.

She could only ask.

“Yes, I’m okay.” Princess Lang took a deep breath and exhaled to relax her racing heart, really, this old man is giving me worries, she berated herself. She offered her friend a smile, the tension withering away, to which Celine gave a nod and a smile as well.

“May we ask what is the matter?” said Allen. Celine stared at him wide eyed, surely he shouldn’t be inquiring about that now, can’t he see that the princess is not in the slightest position to tell?

Of course Allen noticed her stare, he only gave an innocent tilt of his eyebrow, as if saying that he was just curious.

The princess noticing the stare of her two friends that ranged from a variety of expression to one that is common, both staring hard at one another.

The people before them could only fidget helplessly.

“*sigh* quit it you two, we still have to hear what her highness has to say.” interjected Saber, with that monotonous voice.

“No, it’s okay princess, you don’t need to share anything to us.” quickly Celine reverted back to being concerned for her friend.

“Geez, you didn’t have to make it sound like I’m the bad guy.” interjected Allen pouting at the side.

“Sorry.” Celine said, ever so quietly, giving Allen an apologetic smile. That anxiousness really gives her the same anxiety as well for she gets to remember her friend’s weakness, she couldn’t help herself for worrying over her highness.

“No, it’s okay Celine, there’s nothing wrong with ever asking about my personal matters.” said Princess Lang.

“She’s right Celine, personal matters may be of great disturbance to us if we’re ever asked, but doesn’t it make you feel glad and happy that others worry about you and decided to ask how you are doing?” said Ken, positioning himself beside her.

Celine could only stare at her friend feeling wronged, it was him who taught her that, why can’t she come to her friend’s defence.

“Alright, alright. I’m glad that you heeded my words, you did a good job.” said Ken, easing Celine’s worries and her heart. “It seems I create a misunderstanding, let me rephrase that advice I gave you last time.

I know that we really shouldn’t poke at other people’s personal matters easily, this certainly applies to other people we deem as strangers to us and our friends, but if our friends decides to ask about personal matters,

Whether it be ours or others, there is no need to hold ourselves back, look at it as them inquiring about our well being, not trying to meddle with it, I like to see it as a rude behavior but one that someone might need.” he explained.

“Right.” Celine nodded, smiling. Of course, the rest have also wondered something similar along those lines, but hearing those words from Ken, reassures them.

He’ll be their target for their questions next, they swore silently in their hearts, meanwhile Ken felt a shiver run down his spine.

‘Huh, I could’ve sworn today was hot.’ And look up he did, the sun was still glaring at them from above, so where did that cold chill come from. Unnatural, better make more preparations he thought. Another misunderstanding.

“Now that that topic is settled, will her highness give us the pleasure of enlightening us?” said Icarus, clapping his hands one time to get everyone’s attention and doing a curt bow on Lang’s direction.

“Use normal words, geez, whenever we get to talk with this guy, it’s always weird things coming out of his mouth.” interjected Glen with a shake of his head, it’s a wonder whether he is genuinely disappointed or not.

“Wha-…You..” Icarus stuttered, annunciating laughter from everyone, it was rare to see his flustered side, this was a nice breath of fresh air from all that ignorant slurs he doesn’t seem to get a hold of.

Sure, they’ve gotten used to his arrogance, but sometimes it gets a little to suffocating trying to deal with, especially when he enters a quarrel, mostly with his sister.

The guy is trying at least, to be better. Wonder where that motivation gets poured into.

Icarus gave a light punch on Glen’s shoulder, the other returning the gesture by shoving the other, the two entering yet another rough housing.

“Settle down you two.” said both Lila and Riyah on each side of the two boys, the two looked at each other for their simultaneous and same phrase, and high fived enthusiastically.

“That’s the stuff sister!” said Lila, with a wink.

“Right back at you.” said Riyah, the two giggled at their situation, both holding hands with each other. The two boys left to wonder and helplessly smile from the sidelines, relieved themselves from their entangled situation with one another.

“Should we do something as well Wil?” asked Ken, walking Wilbert’s side.

“Why?” he asked.

“I don’t know, you’ve been quiet.” said Ken.

“Well I-uh, don’t… have… know? Haha” Wilbert laughed nervously from the sudden inquiry, but then blushed lightly from his stuttering, this friend of his is such an abnormal one, insinuating questions that were out of the topic.

Or maybe it was him who was thinking of something else. There’s no doubt that he was, after accidentally hearing his parents this morning. No doubt hearing the word King triggering his memory of earlier.

“Hey, you’re looking gloomy today, something the matter?” asked Ken, loud enough for Wilbert to hear, but got drowned in by the sea of chatter from their friends. Flin who also became Ken’s apprentice at observing naturally noticed the two, but chose not to dwell on it.

“Yeah, but I’ll need some time to think about it.” seeing those determined eyes, Ken casted off his worries to the wind, knowing that his friend is fine.

Damn he hates that word.

“Alright, remember to ask for help when you need it, okay?” came Ken’s reply, to which Wilbert only nodded.

“Well if anything, I’d say I’m concerned of what my father is planning, with his intention of visiting us, I’m sure it won’t be anything good.” said Princess Lang, for Allen had questioned her further, and there was no problem, so she might as well tell them.

“What makes you say that?” asked Flin, joining in on the conversation.

“For one, I know that my father has weird antics, and I’m reluctant to show you guys any of it.” said Princess Lang after a moment of silence.

“Aren’t I of similar character.” asked Ken innocently. Princess Lang could only sigh and palm her forehead.

“That’s exactly it, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to handle such embarrassment in my life.” She crossed her arms, but her… unwilling expression stayed intact on her face.

“What do you mean?” asked Ken.

“You’ll see, once he’s here.” She cast away a look from a far distance, the direction of which she knows is the direction to her home. Hearing those words the Masters fell in thought and can’t help but justify that her assumptions were correct.

The Dragon King is such a unique person, meanwhile the person in discussion at his office signing and reading documents, sneezed.

‘Who could be thinking of me?’ he shrugged from the thought. ‘Must be my dear lovely Queen, don’t worry honey, hubby will be there to accompany you, you don’t need to be lonely.’ He thought with that dazzling smile plastered on his handsome, matured face.

If any of his subjects heard of his majesty’s thoughts, their view of the majestic and powerful Dragon King would shatter into a million pieces.

There’s no saying what the Queen would think as well, with her noble and strong countenance, if she could’ve heard her husband’s thoughts as well, punishment ensues.

There’s no second thoughts, just punishment.

Thankfully, the people in the castle didn’t know, sparing them of the chaos this might bring, no, it will bring chaos if those thoughts gets loose.

With the dragon rider given the instructions from Princess Lang’s butler, and another letter containing Princess Lang’s answer from her Father’s ‘favor’, the rider set off to fly back to the Capitol.

The group returning to their afternoon session with the Masters.

On the Human Kingdom, several houses of influence were getting ready to send their promising descendants to the most prominent school of the Kingdom of Ithel, the Itherian Academy.

The School’s enrollment forms had already been sent out to various parts of the Kingdom, one month from now, a testing ground will be ensued to test out the people who wants to enter the school, preferably the students.

Anyone who will be able to pass their tests will be given admittance of this prominent School of the Kingdom, so there’s no wonder that everyone was hyped for the test to come.

It was tradition to the Kingdom that their only and most prominent school send out their announcement a month earlier and for various reasons, one of which that despite the school being larger than the Royal’s Castle, accommodating more than twice the capacity the school could offer is not ideal.

Thus, a test will be carried out, simply for the reason of filtering out the weed from the cream of the crop.

On a noble’s house located at the eastern side of the Kingdom having the insignia of a Tiger carved imposingly, it’s posture looking out to the horizon with a fierce expression on it’s face, plastered on the manor’s main gate.

It’s area reaching over 1,200 square meters, equipped with branching houses aside from the huge main house, along with a training ground, befitting that of a ducal household, having the color scheme of blue in all the right places,

Adorned beautifully with landscapes and flowerboxes, a path made out of polished stone from the main gate leading up to the main house, halfway through, a fountain was located outside the path along with a tea garden.

Soldiers in blue uniforms patrolling around the area, some sparring by the training ground.

A butler clad in a black uniform entered the head family’s office with poise and sophisticated submissiveness, his young looking features giving him off the aura of youthfulness making anyone who’d take a look at this man to doubt whether he’s qualified to serve directly under such a big shot.

The man revered as the patriarch of this house was silently reading through his documents.

“You have called Master, how may I be of service.” said the butler, bowing towards the golden haired, noble like countenance, handsome manliness of this person by the table. His posture imposing even when he’s just seated, with those wide shoulders and tall stature.

“Do you have any reports of my son?” said the man monotonously.

“We have none as of now Master.” replied the butler, not that he was confident or imposing, he knows that if he sugarcoats or dallies with his report, he’d be in much worse shape.

The man before him didn’t have much of a change in expression, but the sudden plummet of temperature would say otherwise.

“It’s been three weeks since my son has disappeared, I gave you this task because I believe in your capabilities to do so, find him.” the patriarch did not forget to put indent on his last few words, with a wave of his hand the butler exited the room with a bow.

His mood plummeting even further, he does not want to doubt his close attendant’s capabilities especially with that kind of reputation, but even for his butler, this task proved difficult than ever.

An emotion flashed through his eyes, a certain glass flower vase by his documents showing signs of cracking, the pressure unchanging but the situation would say otherwise. He closed his eyes for a second before his powers would run rampant before him.

Right now he needs to focus on the problem on the branch families.

‘These impudent snakes.’ as were his last thoughts before drowning himself in more paperwork.
