*Tom's p.o.v.*
After leaving the trash bag in the garbage room, I pulled out my phone from my pocket. Then, I quickly texted her a short message.
Tom: Hey, what's up?
10 seconds later, I see her icon light up in green, she's online. But she doesn't read my message.
I wait 10 minutes later, and she still haven't replied to me. I have a feeling she's ignoring me. She must be busy or upset with me.
Char typically texts me back in 5 minutes. Always. Not that we chat all the time. So I decided to spam her till she talks. I want her to be ok.
Tom: Yo! Why r u not replying?
Tom: U ignoring me?
Tom: Char!
Tom: CHAR!!!
She still hasn't replied and she's online.
Fine. I'll call her then. The phone rang twice before she picked up.
"What do you want, Thomas?" Was the first thing she said.
Well, now I can confirm that she's upset. And since she's using my real name and not my nickname, she's definitely upset with me.