I tiredly plopped down on the end of his bed after laying down my books. Gee, there really is a lot of things to study for Economics. All the formulas and theories. Still better than Accounting which is ironic since that is my main subject.
It was two days since we had lunch together at the cafeteria. Tom kept leaning in towards me and sliding his hand around my shoulders while eating casually with his other hand. Really, Tom? A new guy shows up and you act all possessive around me?
I admit I like that a little too much but I will never in a million years admit this little fact to him. He'd get way too cocky and I'll never hear the end of it.
The rest of the meal was pretty normal other than Tom's overly clingy self with Megan next to me on my left. Alex sat opposite me and Josh on his right, right opposite Megan. Alex was quiet at first but as soon as Josh started talking, it got the conversation going.