Chapter 38

I reached school early, with some time to spare before the crowd comes. There were only a few people standing around the foyer, other than the people managing the booths. The setup had merely just begun. Tom's classmates were on the other side getting ready but I hadn't seen Tom himself yet. Probably on his way here or something. Then, I spotted Alex in the back corner of the kitchen. Minding his own business.

Well here goes nothing. Better get right to it before I chicken out. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

Alex ignores me, turning around instead to sort the containers of food. I walk around the table to his side. "I-I'm sorry about...” his hands stilled and stopped what they were doing, "what I did yesterday-" He interrupts me.

"I really liked you, Char. I thought maybe you had some feelings for me too. But I was wrong. You had no idea, how I felt!" Alex says quietly, almost painfully.