Chapter - 5 :- Aarya's and her college friends.

How can I say to Sir that if we share what we were saying to him then he will definitely gonna punish us? So we try to remember what he was saying.

First Isha says Sorry sir we will not do this again. And then I and Yashvi also say the same.

Sir says "Okay tell me what is the topic which I teach in the class today?"

We three give attention in the initial time of lectures so we three give him answers about the topic and he seems satisfied with our answer.

When he says to sit us the lecture is finally about to finish in five minutes and then he takes the attendance and leaves the class.

I feel relaxed that our professor didn't mark the three of us absent. Because if he did that then it would be painful for us even after attending the whole lecture not having a present mark. Attendance does matter a lot in college life.

Then boys from my group Jeet, Neel, Nirav and Devansh and I, Isha and Yashvi all laughed and felt relaxed for not getting any punishment.

They four asked us what happened and what the three of us were talking about.

We told them what we were saying and then went for a mess.

After that, I attended the college full day and followed my routine of the day. Today I didn't read any novels.

We heard that our results will come in next week.

I know that I will get marks according to my reading so I'm not worried about the results that much.

I'm excited about Meera's wedding more than knowing my results. The week passed with excitement.

Finally, today comes the news that our results will be announced today evening or at night.

At 8:30p.m. When I came from the mess I got the news that our results were finally announced.

My heart started beating fast and then finally after entering my student ID and password the website got open and I got my result of the third year exam.

I got 69% in my third year of college. I'm happy with my results and then calls from my college friends started and we shared the results. All from my groups get very good results. So I am happy.

I called my family and told them my result. My family congratulated me.

My uncle and aunty, Meera called me when they got the news about my results. Everyone is happy because I got good results in my third-year final exams.

My roommates also congratulated me and asked for the party for my result.

We planned a party which I will give them when something we don't like is on the mess menu.

I asked them where they want the party and they want the party on weekdays so it's going to be in the campus food court.

I called my school friends and told my results to them. They both are happy with my result and congratulated me. We talked more than an hour on the conference call.

Next day in college I saw a mixed kind of environment. Some people are happy because all people in their group got good results. Some people are sad because someone from their group failed the exam.

In our group, Neel got the highest percentage so today's lunch is going to be our party and we had made the rules that whoever from the group got the highest results and the second-highest gave the party to other members.

The second highest result is Isha's result. My other friends from the group had scored first class in the third year.

Neel got 73% and Isha got 71%. Highest in the class is scored by two girls and they aren't from our group.

Today in the class all students are not present and by this time the students who didn't score well and got failed are not coming today to the college. They will come when their supply exam will be finished without them. The class is too silent. I feel like our class is incomplete without having all the students. I hope all students pass their supply exam so their year doesn't get wasted.

At break time we had a lunch party outside the campus at one of our favourite places.

Today I didn't read anything and chose to watch the movie with my roommates.

At night we slept after finishing the movie.

My routine of college life is continued. My love for the medical study is from school time so when I came in 11th grade I chose science and after scoring 90% in my 12th board and clearing an entrance exam I made my parents proud and I still remember that result day when my parents were feeling so proud of me. After achieving such a good mark in the board exam still, I felt bad that I didn't get admission to my hometown Ahmedabad but it was still good that I got admission to the best college of Baroda to study in MBBS. It is good that the distance between these two cities is not much so I can go home almost twice a month.

After reaching the final year also I do the same as I have been doing since the first year of MBBS and go home twice in a month.

After a while, I avoid going out and choose to read something. And sometimes I just go out to fresh my mind, to recharge myself and to get the energy to do more and more work for my goals.

My MBBS study is always sufficient to keep me busy in the study so I didn't get too much time to do other things.

I'm always a bookworm girl and find my peace in listening to music.

I did not have any social media accounts because I didn't need to use it because in my free time I read novels, and travelling with my friends or family is my favourite kinda time pass. I have only WhatsApp and Youtube on my phone.

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