

The cold air from the air condition brushed my face as I entered the mall. The Hill Mall was the closest mall to my neighbourhood.

People walked in groups as they passed by me. I was all alone.

Michael refused to come with me to the mall. Denzel was grounded and Jazz did not want to tag along.

Michael and I had to buy our things together but he suddenly left the house saying he received an important phone call from the company PRETTY.

It was so obvious he was lying. What was he trying to hide?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I tapped on my photos and went to my screenshots. I examined what Denzel asked for and I was out to get it.

The mall was not so crowded but I still got myself confused. My bad sense of direction. I lurked around the mall and I finally found it, the shoe store.

"Sky" someone called out my name. I turned around and it was the same grey hair old lady from this morning, Alexandra.

She looked completely different. She looked elegant and simple. She wore an orange front zip shirt dress and her hair was tied in a bun. She had a little makeup on and I almost did not recognise her. Her lips looked so glossy and she looked younger than before. She walked with elegance and grace. And, my lip parted in awe.

She was with the same man in the black suit I met in the morning. And two others who were also in black suits.

Men in black.

"And we meet again," she said enveloping me in her arms as she squeezed me tightly. She held my hands and dragged me to an aquarium at the mall. The lights were dim and ahead of us was darkness. But with every step we took dim lights lit up ahead of us. The aquarium was empty. Of course, there were fishes. But there wasn't a single person here.

I frequented this mall since we moved here. And I didn't even know the mall had an aquarium. The glass was so transparent, it felt as if I was in the middle of the ocean.

It was vast and beautiful. It had so many fishes in it, big, small, colourful and dull fishes. And so many aquatic plants.

I just saw a huge turtle. wow.

"I'm so glad I met you. I wanted to give you something. I felt so bad for bossing you around and I wanted to repay your kindness," Alexandra said.

"I just helped you because I wanted to. You don't need to thank me or give me anything in return," I hastily replied.

"But I want to," she said.

She led me through the empty aquarium until we reached a dead end.

This is so creepy.

She placed her palm on something that looked like a metallic box. And the wall in front of us separated.


"This is my secret lair, "she said as she giggled faintly. And I found myself giggling too.

I was scared at first, but I realized she was just a kind old woman who wanted to show her gratitude. We walk through the separated wall and we walked into a room full of glasses containing fishes.

The room was painted all white. And it had a very large chandelier that lit up the place. It had little aquariums on the left side. And on the right, numerous glass vases were containing many different, weird and amazing looking fishes.

"They are all very rare fishes," Alexandra said as she led me to the right side of the layer.

"These are the rarest fishes in the world. Some are totally extinct but most still exist it's just rare. You can choose any two glasses of fishes here and they are yours. This is to show my sincere gratitude" Alexandra continued.

"You don't have to do this madam. I'm okay," I said.

"As I said, I want to," she insisted.

I had no interest in fishes but I had to choose. All the fishes were beautiful and it was hard to pick. I randomly pointed to two glasses. One contained a turtle and the other contained three small yellow fishes.

"Great choice. You have an eye for goods thing. I bought this turtle a year ago. It not rear but you'll manage. But, the yellow fishes are very special. They do not grow or die. I still don't know why. They became extinct thousand years ago and this is the last of them. My grandfather told me that his grandfather's grandfather said they were magical. They are called the hex of England and only a few people know about it. Handle them with care".

"But why are you giving me extinct fishes".

"I want to," she said.

I thanked her and one of the men in black led me out of the aquarium. I never cared about fishes but I felt like a responsibility has been placed on my shoulders.

I examined the three yellow fishes and it glistered a little. I found my self staring at them nonstop. Their eyes changed colours every time I blink. It had red eyes one moment, green one moment and blue in another moment.

I was glad I did explode when Alexandra was being so annoying. I would have never gotten these amazing fishes. I covered the turtle and placed it in my backpack and held onto the hex of England.

They were truly magical and I found myself staring nonstop at them again. My hex of England almost slipped from my hands when someone dashed pass me bumping my shoulders lightly.

He almost broke my glass and he didn't have enough courtesy to stop and apologize.

That idiot.

Sometimes, I wish my temper wasn't so bad. He was definitely going to pay for this. I wish I saw the idiot's face.

He was in a white shirt with THM inscribed on the back. He wore blue trousers and a black belt over it. I paced behind him but I lost track of him.

I can't believe that idiot almost broke my glass that contained the hex of England, which Alexandra said was extinct. Plus there were only three of them left in the world. And I had it in my hand... which almost fell... because of that idiot.

The more I thought of it, the more infuriated I got.

I mean they are extinct, I repeat. And there are only three of them left in the whole world. Plus, it had a special name, the hex of England. And according to the grandfather of the grandfather of Alexandra's grandfather, they had magic.

I stood at one place, turning my head from side to side but the idiot had disappeared.

Today is his lucky day.

I went into one of the stores to get some items I needed for the university. I bought cutlery sets, a carton of milk, crates of eggs and several other things.

I paid for them, packed them in the shopping cart and walked out of the store. Now I was out to get Denzel shoes.

I found a store that sold branded shoes. I got into the store and checked the price of the shoe Denzel ordered. I almost freaked out when I saw the prize. It was so expensive.

Can you walk in the cloud in the shoe or what? I just couldn't get it. Why was it so expensive?

I checked my purse and handed over all my money plus my credit card. My shoe was wrapped and handed over to me.

I walked out of the store, glad that I was finally done with my shopping. I pushed the cart here and there, searching for the exit of the mall. I've been to this mall a thousand times but my damn sense of direction.

As I scanned the building for the exit, I saw the idiot.

White shirt with THM inscribed at the back. Blue trousers and a black belt around his waist.

"Idiot," I screamed on top of my voice but he didn't stop.

Didn't he hear me call? Or maybe he had an actual name. He walked toward the elevator and pushed the button. I pushed the cart with one hand as I clenched onto the hex of England with the other.

The elevator door separated and he preceded inside. I wasn't going to let him escape. I rummaged through the cart and came out with the crate of eggs I bought.

Eggs it is.

I concurrently threw eleven eggs at him leaving me with just one in my hand.

I was still so infuriated. What if he broke it? Where was I going to get another Hex of England, huh?

"What the f**k," he said as he slowly turned.

I threw the last egg right at his face and it was a bull's eye.

"Idiot," I found myself saying as I stared at the young man whose face was now covered with uncooked eggshell, yolk and white.

He wiped his face with his palm and I was shocked at what I saw. My anger suddenly subsided and my heart melted at the sight of him.

The brown curly hair, hazel eyes, thick eyebrows and the sharp jawline. It was him. Right in front of me. In real life. My dream love and ex. Whatever.

Just this time, he wasn't smiling he looked really pissed and he was heading towards me.