Love, Art.


Over the weekend, I moved to Daisy's room. We decorated it to our liking and I was sated whenever my eyes skimmed the room.

"What should I wear this or that?" I asked Daisy as I contemplated between my two tees.

"The black one," Daisy answered. She fiddled with her phone, tossed it to her side and jerked up her bed.

"I think it's about time I ask you... About your nightmares. I saw you jerk up from sleep this dawn," Daisy glanced at me with her 'it's now or never expression'.

I told her about everything. My dreams, when it began, the phantom and how it suddenly changed. Daisy sat still listening attentively with a jaw dropping expression.

"I've never heard of anything like that," Daisy squealed.

"I just need to confirm if Jamal knows me. From what I've picked up so far I think we are strangers or maybe he's pretending. We are not on good terms" I said checking my time.

I wore my favourite black Lacoste tee shirt and my blue baggy jeans. I love comfortable clothes, many which where considered vintage. I wore the good-luck charm bracelet Michael bought me on our birthday two months ago. Nothing could go wrong on a day like this. I smeared my signature perfume all over me and for a moment I zoned out as this moment sunk into my brain.

It was here.

The day I anticipated every day since I stepped foot in Deluxe University. The day activities formally began.

My imagination grew wild as I packed for the orientation and I giggled looking at Daisy's dazed expression. I began imagining my paintings and artworks in a gallery or museum alongside great artworks like the Mona Lisa and the Dispersion by Leonardo da Vinci and Julie Mehretu respectively.

Art was everything. It was more than enough and eternally beautiful. Being lost in art was just exhilarating. The real beauty was how art swept you off your feet, went beyond explanation as you gaped at them and how arts outlived the artists.

Getting into Deluxe was just a stepping stone, to achieving my great dream as an artist and I was glad it began. I gaped at my student ID nonstop with a big smile plastered on my face.

Name- Sky Michaela Boateng.

Programme- BFA Painting and sculpture.

I shoved my ID into my backpack and tossed it behind my back.

"I'll see you in the evening," I said to Daisy as I exited the room.

After spending a few minutes in the taxi, I got to my destination. My eyes widened when I arrived in front of the Faculty of Art building. Just like in the schools brochure it was vast and elegant. Unlike other Faculty buildings, the art building was a mouth widening sight.

The building's architecture was out of the world with beautiful sculptures and colourful summer huts surrounding it. The ceilings of the summer huts were beautifully designed with hanging plants which made them spectacular to the eye. I took steps toward the building and colourful pebbles clacked under my feet. Even the Faculty's nameplate calligraphy was unique.

I walked into the building. The hallway was a gallery on its own with paintings and beautiful designs on the walls. I entered the lecture hall and took my seat in the middle row. After minutes of waiting, the orientation began.

My phone vibrated in my backpack from time to time as the orientation was in progress. I ignored it every time it vibrated. To achieve my goals as a great artist, I couldn't be distracted especially when it all just began.

The class was long and a little boring however very informative. The class became lively when the list of activities for the freshman week was mentioned.

"The main event for the freshman week for our Faculty is going to be the Big Art Grand Ball. Don't forget to come along with your dates. We are going to have lots of fun" the Mc of the orientation announced.

The excitement and muttering sounds of the student filled the auditorium and slowly it became unbearably noisy. Everyone expressed their joy. Some shouted and others laughed too loud.

"Once again, welcome, freshmen of the Faculty of Art. On this note, this orientation is over. Have a nice day" the Mc said and walk out of the auditorium.

I tossed my backpack over my shoulder and rushed out with several other students. Suddenly I felt stuck. Everyone was trying to squeeze out of that one exit and they were doing so violently. I stood in the middle of all this with several bodies pressed against mine. At this point, there was no turning back. My body was being pushed forward without even trying.

The cold breeze hit my face as I made my way out of the exit. I felt relieved I was out of the crowd. I proceeded to walk out of the building but something was missing. I continued walking and the realisation hit me. My back felt empty. My backpack was gone.

I walked back to the entrance of the auditorium and watched as people exited it. The last person exited and my backpack was nowhere in sight. I lost hope and proceeded to exit the building.

"Michaela" a voice called from behind me. I twisted my head to see who it belonged to. And I stood still dazed.

Were my eyes playing tricks on me?

"Martin? Is that you?" I sauntered in his direction astonished. Martin nodded a reply and I found myself running into his arms.

"I planned to surprise you. But I never thought I would be struggling through the crowd, rescuing your backpack" Martin whispered into my ears and I became conscious of myself.

I immediately drew back from Martin as I smiled shyly. Martin was my first love. The perfect definition of everything I wanted in a man. He ticked all the boxes. The only thing that refrained us from ever being a thing was that he was Michael's best friend and he considered me as his little sister.

"I'm glad to see you, Sky. Check if everything is intact," Martin passed the bag to me.

I checked inside my bag and except for a few broken pencils, everything was intact. I took out my phone and pressed the power button but the screen didn't light up. I tried again and again but it won't work.

"It's just a few broken pencils," I said smiling at Martin like a fool.

"I'm so glad to see you. When did you get back into the country"

"I got back yesterday. Look at you. All grown up and looking so beautiful".

I smiled shyly and said, "thank you".

Martin pulled out his phone from his pocket as it rang. And I couldn't help but admire his defined features. His skin was chocolate brown and beautiful. His eyes were brown and intriguing. And his pink lips were something you couldn't stare at just once.

"I'm sorry, Sky. I have somewhere to be now" Martin said as he took glances at his phone screen.

"Thank you for finding my backpack," I said.

Martin nodded and then smiled," You're always welcome my queen. I'll see you again". I stared at him as he walked away.

I spotted Jamal as soon as Martin left. He came out of the faculty building. He must be in this faculty. With his long leg and slender body, he could pose for a model anytime.

I waved when his eyes met mine. His hazel eyes. He just glanced at me and looked away. That idiot.

I shifted my concentration to my phone. I pressed my power button over a million times but my phone was truly broken. I hailed a taxi and went straight to the repair shop.


I sat at one corner of the repair shop looking out the glass windows. Unlike my neighbourhood back at home, this residence was completely different. Instead of big houses and mansions with plenty of trees, they had tall apartment buildings where a lot of families lived in.

My eyes darted aimlessly. I ran out of patience waiting for my phone.

"Sky" a voice called out. I lifted my head and it was Alexandra. The same old woman who gave me the hex of England.

'Alexandra?' I muttered to myself as my eyes scanned her from her head to her toe. How could a person look completely different every time you meet her?

Alexandra took her seat in the chair at the other end of the table.

"Do you want to hear a tale?" She sat still waiting for my reply.

"A tale about what?"

"The special tale of the hex of England," Alexandra smiled mischievously.

The three golden fish had a tale. "Okay.."
