

Life brought to us several memorable moments. In some of these moments, we couldn't think straight even if we tried to. And that was exactly how I felt now.

Why the hell would she laugh so much after seeing me half-naked? Dammit. The more I saw her the crazier she became and the madder she made me. Or was there something wrong with my body? I spent several minutes in the mirror observing my body. Even in the eyes of my fellow men, this body was perfection.

Michaela was everything I could ever hate. She was a chaotic spoilt brat. Inconsiderate, selfish and insensitive. She was an element that shook my calm. And I hated it so much. Was getting me fire, beating me up and even kissing me not enough for her?

What the freaking hell was funny about my beautiful body?

I skimmed my wardrobe, matched a blue t-shirt and black joggers and put them on. I walked out of the room ignoring Michaela. Oh. That crazy Lady. I invited Lucas and Noah over for the housewarming party.

Lucas pulled me to the sofa as I joined them in their seat. Daisy and Michaela sat on the big sofa. While Lucas sat on my left and Noah on my right.

"Jaymol, meet my cousin Daisy," Lucas said winking at me immediately I took my seat.

"We already met. It's nice knowing Lucas had such a pretty cousin" I smiled at Daisy as I spoke.

"He spoke of Noah and you all the time. It's nice meeting you all," Daisy smiled back at me. "We live in a small world".

My eyes met Michaela's a few times and she still grinned whenever our eyes met. This was driving me crazy. Dammit.

"Do I look funny today?" I whispered into Lucas's ear. He turned to me and whispered into my ear.

"You look amazing man. As stunning as ever" Lucas said and went back to talking to his cousin.

"Do I look funny?" I turned to Noah who sat on my right.

"No man," Noah replied briskly and went back to his phone.

Micheal walked in minutes later with a guy who introduced himself as Martin and another lady who introduced herself as Chloe. Everyone introduced him/herself and we had fun talking and dancing to old school music.


I was super excited when Martin arrived but after she introduced the lady by her side as his girlfriend. I felt daggers pierce through my heart. I felt suffocated like it was the death of me.

I walked to the balcony to get some fresh air. I can't believe Martin brought his girlfriend here. I reclined in one rocking chair, rocking back and forth. This was refreshing. I looked up at the dark sky and there were so many beautiful stars. The sky was clear from deep hues. Tomorrow was going to be a good day.

"Hey. Martin said reclining on the closest rocking chair.

"Hey," I said my gaze still fixed on the skies. "Why are you here?" I asked now turning to him.

"I got bored," he said turning to me and then back to the sky.

"You got bored? Why?"

He giggled faintly and turned to me with a questioning look. "Why?... Is it hard to believe?"

"Of course. You have your beautiful girlfriend by your side and yet you decided to get bored".

"It happens," he smiled and continued. "Relationships are not always rosy. Sometimes you find solace in your best friend sister than in your girlfriend" he beamed as he uttered the last words.

"You find me comfortable?"

"Of course, Sky".

We were silent for a moment. I closed my eyes now feeling the gentle breeze of the night.

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulders. I open my eyes and I beamed as I look up at the sky.

"A shooting star," I mumbled and turn to Martin who had his eyes closed and his lips moving. I closed my eyes and made a wish too.

"What did you wish for?" I asked Martin.

"Not much. Just two hundred acres of land, eighteen private jets and a Christmas tree. And lastly, I wished that your brain did not forget me".

I laughed staring into his face. "That's a whole lot. Of course I can't forget you, Martin".

"What did you wish for?" Martin asked me.

"I wished for peace and good things".

"I'm sorry all that happened to you, Sky. I wish I was by your side".

"You don't have to be sorry. This girl is stronger than you think".

"I know. Let's go back inside. It's getting cold," Martin stood up from his seat and stretched his hands in my direction. I took his hands and he lifted me.

"Sky," Martin called. I stood only centimetres away from him and our clothes almost rubbed against each other. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ears and stroked my hair gently.

"I can't believe my little girl grew taller. I'm glad I found a sister in you," he said rubbing my hair like a puppy.

Dammit, I screamed internally. I wasn't his freaking sister.

I stomped my foot as I walked back into the hall. I bumped into Jamal as I neared the fridge. I couldn't help but grin when our eyes met. That sculptured body of his was all I thought of. My happiness.

The housewarming was more fun than I thought it would be. Chloe was one of the nicest people I met. Lucas, Daisy's cousin was so funny and interesting to talk to and Noah a work of art with sweet talks. Jamal was just Jamal. A jerk I hated with a beautiful body that brought me happiness.

The party ended with me warning Michael. "Stop hitting on Daisy else I'm going to pluck your eyes out and swallow".


When everyone had left I reclined on the sofa and turned the tv on. If human eyes could emit lasers I would have melted to death by now.

Michael kept staring at me. His eyes kept following me every step of the way and he never said a word.

Were all celebrities like this or it was a problem with his bloodline. His sister saw me half-naked and burst out laughing. And now this. His eyes followed me everywhere, then he eventually runs his fingers through his hair and all of a sudden he slams the table.

I couldn't relax in my own apartment. He was scary. At this rate, he was going to break the poor table and tear down the house. After minutes, he sat next to me and watched the game with me.

"Are you okay, man?" I asked him after he sat.

"I'm cool, man," Michael said.

When the clock struck 10 in the evening, the doorbell rang with a peal. I walked to the door leaving Michael who dozed off on the couch.

I opened the door and there was no one in sight. Just a man in black walking into the elevator.

I skimmed the hallway. That's when I found an envelope resting at the side of the door. My heart pounded in my chest as I picked it up. It was always the same. A pink envelope with my name Jamal beautifully calligraphed on it. And the content. The ones that terrified me.

I ran to the elevator chasing after the man in black. But he was gone. I used the stairs but he disappeared into thin air.

I walked briskly to my room opening the suitcase which contained similar envelopes. I dropped the envelope into the suitcase untouched.

These scary envelopes found their way to me. Again.
