"Favourite animal?"
"I hate animals" he answered. I tightened my grasp as my nails ate into the flesh of my palm. The more I heard his answers the angrier I became. Was he playing games with me right now?
"Favourite food?"
"I have no interest in food," he answered. I narrowed my eyes at him, taking in deep breaths. Who on earth doesn't like food?
"This isn't working," I jerked up my the bed dragging my backpack closer. I had run out of patience. If I stayed longer I might end up killing him.
"Why isn't it? I think we're doing fine," said Jamal, a dirty smirk lingering on his lips. 'That jerk,' I cursed internally.
"Are you enjoying this?" I asked him with arched eyebrows and tighten my grip on my bag. Did he not care about the project at all? Did he not care to fail?
"What? Were we supposed to enjoy this? I thought we just need to get it done," Jamal blurted out faking astonishment as he flipped the pages of the guidelines.