"I want a dog, it will be loyal to its boss aka us "

"We need a cat, do you really think i will walk with a stupid ball of fur everyday?"

"You don't care about anything or anyone apart from Olivia or Maddy so your opinion doesn't matter"

"Maddelyn..." he sighs and his eyes are glowing hearts again.

I roll my eyes "and a rabbit? what about that?"

"That's boring"

"You are boring"

"Ok guys stop it" I say and cross my arms.

We recently decided to adopt / get an animal cause yea, no reason and since then we have been thinking about which animal. We just don't agree the whole time ... i sigh and mental face-palm myself for their childish behavior.

"You all look like toddlers who can't seem to agree about which toy they want to play with and if i choose, it won't be pretty so you better put your heads together and come to a conclusion"

"Bossy bitch" Brent teases and winks at me to let me know it is a joke.

I smile "sometimes its needed, now chop chop"

After hearing more bickering for half an hour, we choose a dog, something that Cody is not too happy with. "sorry bud, everyone else wants it" I shrug.

He gives me a small smile "Its alright, but what about you? do you want a dog?" I nod "hell yes! puppies are so cute!" I squeal he puts his arm around my shoulder "then i'll try not to act like a bitch when the puppy is there" I kiss his cheek "thanks Cody!" and I run to the car where the rest are already.

After a three hour drive we arrived at the nearest animal shelter. We agreed (yes we do agree sometimes) that adopting a puppy is better than taking one from a family that had puppies, we would like to give a dog that has had a difficult time a nice home.

"Okay lads here we go!" we enter where an old lady sits behind a desk "hello, what can I help you with?"

"We would like to adopt a dog" Zack says and puts an arm around Brent his waist. "alright, any preferences?" I look at the rest and see them nod at me "she decides" Axel says and gives me a wink. "ehm like a slightly younger dog, a puppy maybe?"

"Male or female?"

"Doesn't matter" i say and she goes through a door "be right back!" after a while she comes out with a black dog "this is Max, a labrador puppy of 6 months" I pet the puppy.

It's really sweet, but I don't really feel a connection. "eh can we see some other pups also maybe?" Dylan asks, probably knowing what i feel. "sure, sure let me see" she's going back with the dog.

When she's gone, a dog suddenly walks from another room and stands in front of Cody. "hello buddy, what are you doin here?" the dog barks as if answering. "Oh yea? aren't you a little Zack? always walking away and not knowing how to get back?" we all laugh.

"pick him up, Cody" I say, not even knowing if it's a male. He hesitates for a moment but after I give him a reasuring nod he lifts the puppy

"alright i couldn't find- oh i see you with our newest pup?" she smiles. "yes he walked over here so I picked him up, hope that's okay?" the woman nods "of course. this little one has a habit of escaping, even though we don't know how he does it, he doesn't even want to leave, just attention" she laughs and pat the puppy's head.

I watch Cody play around lovingly with the puppy and know that this is the one.

"this is the one" i say and see Cody giving me a thankful glance. The woman nods "a good choice, although you should know that this puppy has had a nasty owner befor he was brought here" I pout, how can someone do anything about such a sweetheart? what am I saying, how can anyone harm an animal at all? I see that everyone else is listening to the woman but meanwhile, like me and Cody, is completely fond of the lil pup.

"He doesn't have a name yet, but when he was born he was punished and put out in a thunderstorm because he had peed inside, his mother and sister have a place at our house because my daughter was completely fond of them, but we can't Take 3 dogs, otherwise we would have taken these too, they have had contact, the mother and puppies, but now that they can do without a mother, they can also go to a loving home

"we'll make sure of that" Dylan says and kisses the puppy's head. "nice, if one of you just want to fill in some papers?" Cody walks over "I'll do that" after a while we can go and the puppy is sleeping in my arms.

I coo "aren't you a cutie? Yes you are" i whisper in a baby voice and hug the pup carefully. "What shall we name him?" Axel then asks.

I look at Cody who as you saw is pretty fond of the pup already. "You can choose Olivia, im already happy we got this little lad" he smiles. "Yea didn't thought you would be like this Mr. 'I don't want to walk with a ball of fur'" Brent laughs.

"Hey! Not while he's here" he covers the dog his ears. I look at the pup. Cooper? Nah. Jax? Nope. I snap my fingers "Topper" the rest nods and smiles "are you a Topper, little pup?" Cody asks and as if the dog wants to say yes he licks Cody's face.

"I like it" Dylan states Axel claps his hands

"Wel, then its settled, welcome in the family, Topper"