"Yes mom im eating, sleeping and drinking enough. .....yea but that detention was one time! .....no promises .....bye! Love you" I hang up and sigh

"was that your mother?" Brent comes in and walks to the fridge. I nod "yes, she wanted to know how I was doing, and tell me that Charlie secretly misses me" he takes a water bottle "haha sure, if I had a sister like you I wouldn't be happy if you left either "he sits down next to me "do you like it a bit?" He then randomly asks me

"what? UNI or living here with you guys" he chuckles "lets say both" I think "I like it. I always wanted to be a singer so this university will help me with that, its a great opportunity" "I didn't know you wanted to be a singer" he says, looking suprised. "don't think it was discussed in a conversation" i shrug.

"that was amazing!" we both look aside to see Cody and Maddelyn walking into the apartment. I look at Brent who is also looking at me 'what is this?' he mouths to me and i just shrug, not knowing it either. "oh hey guys!" Cody notices us "don't hey us, what were you two doing?" Brent asks.

"hm nothing, we had lessons together and she told me she was going to Liv, so we walked together" "and that was great, wasn't it?" i cross my arms. "yepp" they say usion and i roll my eyes "whatever you say". Maddy takes a seat on the other side of me. "Brent, help me with some homework please?" Cody walks into his room followed by Brent. "So spill the details" i smile "You know me too well" she rolls her eyes but returns the smile "what Cody said was true, we had classes together and when it was over he asked me if i wanted to go and get lunch with him" she explains.

I cheer "a date!" She shakes her head "no, just as friends, i mean i like him and got to know him a little bit, but am i ready for a relationship? I don't know" I sigh "i get it, just think before you actualky do anything. Cody is sensitive and i don't want to see him hurt"

"Neither do i so we're on the same page, don't worry i will think about it" I nod and we and we watch some TV. after an hour the rest also come home "hey Liv, Maddelyn" "hey Dylan, where are the others? you had lessons together right?" I ask when i notice he's alone. he sighs "zack doesn't know where he is, and that while we just asked him to get a cup of coffee from the Starbucks around the corner"

he laughs. "you never learn, get that dude a tracker" "yea yea, do you want to help Axel find him? he is waiting in the car" "your not going?" "have a lot of homework, so if you don't mind?" he looks at me hopefully "sure nerdy, Maddy are you coming along?" she gives me a 'sorry' look "it's my turn to cook tonight, don't want an angry barbie" she rolls her eyes and hugs me before saying goodbye to everyone and leaving. "see you later then nerd!" i say and see him smiles amused "nice nickname, even though i rather had you to call me another one" "deal with it" i stick out my tongue and leave the buillding.

I search for Axel his car which doesn't take me too long since its a pretty expensive, big one. A black range rover to be exact. "Hey Ax" i greet him and put my seat belt on. "Nice to see you again Liv, you heard what happened?" I roll my eyes, something i do a lot lately since i met the boys. "No im here to keep you company in the car" i reply and he chuckles "your a sassy one" "You love it" i hear him muttering something but don't pay attention to it. We drive for a while but can't seem to find Zack

"where the hell is he? He can't be too far" Axel rubs his eyes tiredly. "Let me call him again" i diall Zack's number and for the first time im not send to voicemail "hey Olivia, what a suprise to hear your voice" "Cut the shit, where are you?" "I texted Dylan and Brent, im at a friend's house, will stay there for the night" he explains and i frown "Ax did B or Dylan text you?" He checks his phone "no, well its good to know your alright buddy" he smile and i swear i can hear Zack's smile through the phone. "See ya tommorow!" We say our goodbyes and hang up. Axel looks at me "we're one hour away from home, want to walk a bit in a park? I know there is one nearby" "Sure why not" i agree and we drive for another five minutes before the car stops "here it is"

We step out of the car and i shudder, feeling the cold night air "here, take my coat" Axel takes off his coat and hands it to me "thanks" We walk into the quiet park. Its not too late but late enough for the youngest kids to sleep. We walk in silence and its alright, not uncomfortable or anything.

We sit on a bench and i decide to ask him something i wanted to ask for a long time "Axel? Why are your parents so rich, but you live in a luxe, but average flat?" He sighs and i already regret my decision "sorry it wasn't my place to-" "Its okay" he cut me of and gives me a reasuring smile. "as you already know my parents are the owners of Anderson enterprises" he begins "They have tons of money and live in a mansion with several cars. So you'll think that's the perfect lifestyle, but nothing is more true." He sighs again and I take his hand. he looks at our interwined fingers and smiles. “When my father cheated on my mom and left us, my mother became someone who no longer spoke with emotions, but with what she still had: money.

I have to say she's a wonderful woman and the best mother I could ever have wished for, but I didn't want to live like that and build everything myself, even though she offered me money for a house. that car was a gift and I didn't want to make her sad. Now you know it..."