I decided to write in third pov once. Don't know if you all will like it, but i want to see if this suits me better . Enjoy!

(Mention of Depression in this chapter, not much though)


Its been a week since Dylan and Olivia went on a date.

Nothing else has happened since then. Normally you would expect multiple dates, you get a relationship but this is different from the norm. That, because Olivia will have to choose between two handsome guys.

Axel, the blond, almost white-haired boy with blue eyes and an attractive smile. A great listener and calm friend who would love to help you no matter what the situation is.

Or Dylan, the nerdy, shy boy with green eyes and a different color of hair almost every week, this time black. He is always up for a chat and a real bouncing ball, but a fun version.

She sighs and sits down on the couch.

The boys are at football training which is quite unpleasant since it is raining. Cody had bruised his shin last week and is not allowed to participate for a few weeks, so he is out with Maddy.

She was allowed to come along, but a third wheel on the wagon? no thanks. speaking of the devils, the boys come in. "canceled" growls Brent and gets a kiss on the cheek from Zack "oh babe it's okay, now we can watch the rest of the Harry Potter episodes!" she just sees Brent rolling his eyes and muttering "you with your fantasy shit" before Zack drags him to their room.

We all laugh until Olivia notices Axel staring at her, his eyes sad and not laughing "what's wrong?" she asks and gets up, putting a arm around his shoulder. He sighs and shakes his head, muttering a quiet "nothing". Tears come up in his eyes and he rushes to his room, slamming the door behind. She looks at Dylan for an answer, who shrughs "He's been like that since training. He got a call before we started, but he refused to talk about it. Even though we're his best friends, he's too stubborn to say what is going on inside his head, he's been that way since we got to know him."

She nods "what now? Should i leave him alone?"

"no, I think if you talk to him, he will spill everything. just listen to him, but i don't think that is necessary to tell you, your a great listener just like him, you two are great for each other." The disappointment was heard in his voice, but at that moment other things were to fix first. He smiles and pats her shoulder "go" he only says before going to the kitchen.

She walks to his room and knocks "come in" is heard so she opens the door Axel lies on his bed with his head pressed into the pillow, muffled sniffles are heard.

Its a sad sight to see. Axel is always calm and the most of the time laughing while telling not even funny jokes. "Hey Ax" she says and sit down next to him on the bed. "What do you want?" He croaks out. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asks him, rubbing his back gently.

He pauses "t-they put her in a c-clinic" he stutters and she gasps. She pulls him into a hug while he cries into her chest. Olivia knows who he's talking about.

He has a 15-year-old sister, Julia. Certain things made her depressed and couldn't handle it all properly. It seemed to have gone better in recent months, said Axel, but appearances are apparently deceptive ... "she attacked a random guy, that's all my mom wants to say" he sighs and she kisses his cheek.

At that moment the door opens and Dylan stands in the opening "we are going out do you want to come with us-" he then sees her lips on Axel's cheek. "Never mind, your kissing before you even took her on a date?! Idiots" without saying anything else he slams the door.

What was that? So because she gave him a kiss on his cheek because Dylan felt like shit he acts like this?! He knows nothing about the whole situation! she sighs and hugs Axel a little more, he is more important at the moment.

Dylan must have told the rest that they are not going, because soon they hear the front door shut. "shall we watch a movie with some buckets of ice cream?" she suggests after a while when Axel's crying lessens. She feels him nod against her chest.

After four films and three tubs of ice cream, both have fallen asleep ...

Time skip

When Olivia wakes up again de room is dark and the only sound that can be heard is Axel his snoring and.... moans?

She gets up and goes to the bathroom, it must be Brent and Zack or something, nothing new. That, until one specific name is heard.

"Maddy ..." that's not Cody's voice ... that sounds like Dylan's voice!

It is a blur when she goes without thinking to the room where the sound seems to be coming from. There are no words for what she sees when she throws open the door.

There they lie, Maddelyn and Dylan, making 'love' to each other ...