Chapter 8: The Trifecta

~Third Person P.O.V~

Ashley walked through the short hallway leading to the main bedroom she and Hope now shared, her warm brown eyes scanned the room. Noting it was astoundingly clean, everything was organized.

"You're rather organized, Hope" Ashley said, lightly rubbing the shared dresser in the room with her index and middle finger.

"Not a single spec of dust, hm. Impressive." Ashley said, turning to her new roommate.

"Mhm, you like what I've done with the place?" Hope said, taking a seat on the edge of her bed, crossing her legs and resting her palms on the soft white mattress.

"Yes, I do. Quite orderly." Ashley said, trying to send what one could only hope was a smile, before making her way to the dresser, finding something to wear.

Hope adjusted the red blazer she wore over her black dress, pulling the sleeves down, letting them rest at her wrists. "Thanks, enjoy keeping my things that way?" Hope paused, her pinkish eyes raising to meet Ashley's brown ones. "What was your old room like?"

"It was-" Ashley's mind flashed back to their prison cell of a room, the nights they would go without eating, the beats.. the-

"It was different." Ashley's eyes seemed empty and distant, though given her stoic personality it wasn't something hope could pick up on.


The thundering sound took them both by surprise, the tintinnabulation of bells filled their ears, Ashley turning to Hope.

"That would be the summoning bells, we're all being called to the atrium." Hope said, standing up taking out a mantled robe from their closet, handing it to Ashley.

"The atrium?" Ashley raised a brow at the robe.

"The great hall, you should take this. It's our... er, uniform." Hope shrugged and smiled.

"I suspected as much, most of the others were wearing a variation of this. Though..." Ashley said, taking the robe for closer inspection. Her eyes scanned the back of the robe and the length of its arms, noting that it lacked any distinct markings. "Ours don't seem to have any of those marking the others had."

Hope smiled a small smile at her, Hope's pinkish eyes turned to the robe now in her hand. "The markings only appear after the wearer puts them on, they change color and appearance depending on the order which they belong to." Hope said, pausing for a moment. "Try them on, you'll get what I mean once you see it."

Ashley complied, wrapping the dark black cloak around her shoulders, its mantled pauldrons begin to spark and sizzle as she put her arms through the sleeves. Suddenly, bright orange sparkles erupted forth from her cloak, leaving fiery etchings in her robe and cloak.

"Interesting." Ashley said, admiring the intricate runes and symbols on her attire.

Hope smiled at her before slipping her's on, though no display of bright colors erupted from her clothes instead barely visible markings of black and violet seemed to swirl on her robes, seeming both entrancing yet horrifying. Ashley decided not to press the matter yet.

"Come on now, let's not waste a moment more." Hope said, leading her friend out of their room and down the spiral steps.

Ashley found herself entering a massive hall who's cobblestone walls were etched with glowing runes and torches. A myriad of people, their robes glowing all manner of color all stood within the hall. She would have gotten lost of not for Hope who kept her close all the while leading her through, though she did find it rather.. noteworthy that several people gave way when they saw Hope approaching.

"Ashley!" Leo called out, wearing the same robes his sister was wearing, rubbing his arm as he approached her and Hope.

"Leo, there you are. Where's your roommate?" Ashley said, the three making their way to each other.

"Heck if I know! He just gave me this paper and left" Leo said, holding out his class schedule, sounding rather irritated, the runes on his cloaked robe glowing an icy blue. "Honestly, I don't even know why they called us here."

"Ah, well" Hope began, her eyes darting up to the three stone balconies.

"I suppose I should give both of you a heads up" She continued, turning to the pair.

"The Equilibrium is lead by the Trifecta, three leaders of supposed equal influence. The man of glass, The lady in black and the shadow man. Each has their own roles to play, fulfilling separate duties yet they all have the Order's best interests at heart."

Suddenly, the myriad of voices toned down. Leo, Ashley, and Hope all turn to see two of the three stone balconies having begun to manifest several runes, the stone walls giving way to doorways.

"Friends, Family." Apollo greets, stepping out onto the balcony, wearing his signature red-tinged shades as he gestures to the crowds below. "We both greet you good morning, though we both regret to inform you that Daendakian will not be able to join us this morning."

"Wait, what's Apollo doing up there?" Leo asked, somewhat confused before his eyes went wide at the prospect of what it might mean. "Wait... you don't mean he's-"

"Obviously he is." Ashley rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, adjusting her stance to match her stoic demeanor, having had deduced Apollo held a position of high regard though never expecting him to outright be one of their leaders.

"The only question is, why rescue us personally?"

Apollo began to speak, the woman beside him garbed in a robe seemingly from antiquity, stood there silently, her hood pulled over her head, a black mask covering half her face.

"I would like all of you to formally greet the newest members of our Order" Apollo continued, the torches flicker flame as he speaks, bathing the room in a mix of warm orange and cool blue due to the runes.

"Leonardo and Ashley" He spoke and with those words, a spotlight illuminated the trio taking them by surprise.

"A round of applause for our newest members." Apollo said, clapping his hands everyone else following suit following. The feeling of appreciation was something unknown to the pair unless it was coming from each other or from Piper.

A few seconds of applause pass before the sounds die down once more "welcome to the Equilibrium." Apollo repeated his words, before adjusting his stance, resting the palms of his hands properly on his cane.

"Now, I would like all of you to return to your classes."