Chapter 20: A Fork in The Road

~Third Person P.O.V~

"Please help me..."

The words the boy whispered hit Leo like a punch in the gut, knocking the wind out of him, it felt as though someone had driven a hot knife into his chest. It hurt.

For as long as the raven-haired could remember he'd always have that night terror- no, vision and he'd always think that those glowing blood-red eyes that gazed down on him, casting a cruel scarlet light as he drowned in the inky black of crashing waves look at him with contempt or hatred, he'd always feel afraid, he used to feel so... so scared back then.

He thought they belonged to some monster, a demon that wanted nothing more than to see him die, but now.. well, now he finally heard the words he had whispered to him his entire life, but it was not that of hate or anger, the voice didn't threaten him, or ridicule him; instead, the voice cried out.