Chapter 24: A New Dawn

¬ Third Person P.O.V¬

The thick clouds that hung over Graybrookes seemed almost like a fixture at this point, catching the golden light of the early morning sun and making it look as though it breaks upon the clouds, bathing the skies in a light orange hue, a few beams of warm light peek through down at the megacity.

Oliver stood on the sidewalk, dazed from the effects of the spell yet as the cold morning breeze brushed against his skin, chilling his cheeks he remained stalwart and focused for he knew he had far more pressing matters to attend to.

First, he looked down at his gloved hands, counting the digits, then checked his pocket watch, taking note of the reality checks before finally looking at the address. "291 Rosewood Boulevard." Everything checks out, he wasn't affected by a temporal spell nor a psychosomatic illusion. It was real. That could mean one thing.