Chapter 33: In The Fire and Flames

¬Third Person P.O.V¬

Ashley felt a calm, pleasant warmth envelop her as she slept. The sensation of fur brushing against her skin allowed her to breathe easily, one could say she's gotten used to her new-found best friend from the other side of the woods- or, in her case vortex. Yet, tonight felt different. An eerie feeling began to crawl up her spine as she sensed something was wrong, she began to sweat, her hands curling into fists as she slept. Until- suddenly-


Ashley sat up, her eyes lit up a bright orange as she breathed out fire, embers circling her dark raven hair. Ashley gritted her teeth, ready to fight until she saw who was in front of her.

"Tch. We risk our asses to save your sorry hide, is this any way to thank us?" Oliver said sarcastically, a smug look on his face as he shook his right hand, the palm charred a smoky black.