The Strange Creature

Astrid POV

I woke up feeling a soft mattress underneath me. I stretch my body my muscles felt very sore, I quickly sat up and realized I was in my dorm room. It all came back to me... my father had locked away my powers!

Taking deep breaths I decided to really see if my powers were actually... gone. Lifting a hand I pointed to a glass of water that was sitting on my desk. Snapping my fingers I couldn't feel anything!!

I continued snapping my fingers but the glass of water didn't move. I didn't even feel any sparks or energy within my body as I can usually feel it when I'm about to use my powers. Feeling scared I raced out of my room my brown hair looking absolutely ridiculous.

There was no time to look good I needed my powers!! I raced to my brother's dorm my fist pounding on his door. "Samael open up I have urgent news" I scream banging my fists. But the door never opened.

It was then that I noticed I forgot to put my hearing aids back on! "Shit" I mutter I closed my eyes feeling a vibration beneath my feet. I felt footsteps approaching and I knew someone was coming. I turned around to see Sloane walking down the hallway.

"Astrid come with me quickly" she grabbed onto my arm pulling me into an empty room. The classroom was old and the school never used it, I peeked around the room noticing brown crates were by the wall.

"Careful this room is... special" Sloane says and I watch her close her eyes for a few seconds. Feeling anxious I watch Sloane as her eyes pop open instead of being gold they were a dark purple color.

"Sloane are you"- I didn't get to finish as she began to glow and her fingers turned into large claws. She grew fangs that were large and dangerous and her hair grew longer.

Her hair turned white and she looked at me with a gentle smile. "Do not fear me I am part of Sloane... I have a message for you my dear" she says softly using her claws to brush my hair back.

I gulp deeply watching as she eyes every move I make. "What are you"... I mutter my form slightly shaking, it was then that I wished I had my powers.

" I know that your powers are locked away my dear, but there is something you must know" her voice was urgent she grabbed my chin making me look into her vivid purple eyes.

"Trust no one... not even the ones you hold close to your heart. There are people who wish to hurt you and tear you apart. You must not rest until it has fallen asleep once again... you have to find it and make sure it never wakes again for the future depends on it. Make no mistakes.. he watches every move every breath that you take. It whispers to him... be quick and make sure he is put to rest".

Sloane's body starts to shake her bones cracking every which way. Her body taking its natural state the creature gone as if it never was here. Sloane's little body drops to the floor and I quickly catch her before she slams into the floor.

"Sloane... wake up... I don't understand" I shake her hard trying to wake her but she seems out of it. What was that creature... and what did she mean that it watches me... I was freaking out.

I hold onto Sloane's body supporting her head. I decide that the best thing would be to bring her to the nurse so I try to support her body on my arm slowly walking out the strange room.

I slowly walk to the nurses office trying to hold up an unconscious Sloane. Now waiting for the elevator it finally opens and reveals a frazzled Cohen who notices the predicament I am in.

"What's going on"...