I Depise That Elf !!

Astrid POV

"Why are you being like this my love... you've been giving me the silent treatment ever since I came back" Cohen whines. I continue to run my brush through my thick mane of hair. Currently we were in my dorm how did Cohen get in you may be asking, the jerk used his stupid powers.

It's been almost a month since my father took away my powers and to say I've been depressed is a understatement. My body feels so empty without it and I crave the heat that arises within my body feeling the overwhelming energy.

"My love please hear me out, I left so quickly due to Sloane's health deteriorating and she needed to go see a real doctor" he explains now standing behind me. "Is Sloane doing okay now" I ask in a whisper finally speaking.

"Yes she is doing much better she should be back in school soon" he exclaims and I can see the happy glint in his eyes from me finally talking again. Cohen suddenly takes away my brush and gently starts to brush my hair. "You hair is as beautiful as you my love, so captivating" he whispers.

Loving the gentle strokes I close my eyes in a gentle bliss. Just then a sudden thought come into my mind " Cohen why did you bring that elf here" I ask the bitterness on my tongue just thinking about that wench.

"I've already told you my love I invited her here to assist you in your studies of your abilities" he says now massaging my shoulders. "But I thought you were going to train me" I say with a pout.

"Does my beautiful Astrid want me to train her so badly" he coos rubbing his nose against mine. I feel the heat start to rush up to my cheeks from us being so close to each other. We gaze into each other eyes and I stare at the striking difference of the two colored eyes.

"Cohen... how is it that you have become blind in one eye" I asked curious. "It took him some time to answer before he sighed "when I was younger Azar had just started appearing and she was very destructive". I could see how hard it was for him to answer so I gently rubbed his arm giving him some comfort.

"Let's just say that I pissed her off more than I should have and she struck me in the eye with her venom".

I was shocked hearing how Azar was so violent from the very beginning.

I let Cohen hold me in his arms knowing right now he needed some support. We stayed like that for awhile and to be honest I felt safe and protected.

In this moment it felt good...


"Over here I'm open" some werewolf boy screams across the court. Meanwhile me and Arista were sitting out for gym class it's what we do best I seriously don't know how we are passing this class. "Hey what color should I paint my toenails" Arista asked examining her fingernails.

"I don't know you already did every color" I say truthfully. Arista rolls her eyes and continues to inspect her nails while I watch the people on the court play a game of basketball.

I suddenly notice the elf girl Fionela also playing. I roll my eyes as she scores a point for her team, "she's not even that good" I muttered under my breath. I then notice Cohen playing with his white muscle tshirt and his large muscles clench as he dribbles the ball.

"Umm you are drooling again" Arista says with a smirk. "I am not I'm just watching the game I say crossing my arms. "Yeah sure you can keep telling yourself that but sooner or later you'll be in bed with the hottest guy in this shit fest school". Arista nudges my arm wiggling her eyebrows, I let out a giggle at her childish acts.

Going back to watching the game I notice Cohen and Fionela having a very heated discussion. If only I had my powers right now I would definitely eavesdrop in this moment.

"What do you think they are talking about" Arista asked also noticing the heated discussion between the two. "I have no clue but from the looks of it I think it may be serious" I whisper to her. We continue to watch the pair until Cohen rushes out of the gym.

I catch Fionela's eye and she sends a ass eating smirk my way.

I really despise that Elf!!