Is There a Plan C ?


"You must let me cure your deafness for good..."


I sat with my mouth open for I'm even sure how long. How could Azar make me choose...although I've never really thought about that idea before. I just always excepted the fact that I am deaf and I should just live with it

But now...

No I can't even think that way, mother would be disappointed in me. Azar sits there waiting for my reply but honestly what do I even say...

"I know this may seem...harsh but my dear sister I only want what is best for you" Azar says rather softly grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Listen... I've always been deaf and.. I'm totally fine with it... honestly its who I am" I say truthfully. "If you don't want to help me because of that then... I guess I'll have to search for another plan".

Azar gives me a stern look as if I had made a stupid decision. Knowing that she could of helped me really angers me to no end. She didn't need to bring up me being deaf I'm still the same Astrid.