The Awaken Astrid

Cohen's POV

I pace back and forth as my guards clean up the blood coated message. I watch as they remove the head of Astrid's father. The only explanation as to who is behind this is Samael... but how did he manage to get through my security?

Running a hand through my hair I decided to call for a meeting. We needed to get this resolved and before Astrid wakes up. I don't want her to undergo anymore stress when she decides to wake up.

"Sebastian I want all video cameras from today, I want to review it over," I tell my closest guard. I'm going to figure out who the hell is behind this.

And when I do they are dead...


"Wait so let me get this straight, Astrids creepy dad is finally dead and you have no clue how," Arista asked sucking on a lollipop. I roll my eyes I just explained everything that took place but I'm still met with blank stares.