Beach Hell

Astrids POV

It was the next day and we all planned to spend the day at the beach. I wore them a hot pink bikini with my white cover-up. I planned to get a nice tan if I could. We packed up drinks and snacks to take and we were on the road.

"Isn't Cohen coming too?" Arista asked putting her seatbelt on. After I and Cohen had a moment I've been avoiding him. It wasn't like I didn't love him but.... it was all too complicated.

"No, he has some business to attend to," Sloane says. I look away out the window trying not to show my disappointment. For Cohen no matter what his work would always be his priority.

That was what hurt me the most.


We set up our beach towels and other things. The hot sun was beaming down on us and I could feel the sweat run down the side of my face. Yes, I am a vampire but I could stay out in the sun.