The Birds,Bees, And Headaches

Adora's POV

I'm jotting something down from the board when I feel a constant poking at my side. Annoyed I turn to the source to see my best friend Nuri Akiyama poking me with her mechanical pencil.

"Will you stop poking me?" I say through clenched teeth. My eyes watch the teacher upfront making sure she didn't hear me.

"Just tell me if you're going to the party tonight. I heard the whole school is practically going" she whispers. Her long dark hair swayed side to side, her almond-shaped eyes were wide with mischief.

Nuri was known for her wild personality. Trouble was her middle name and for some strange reason I always ended up in her mess. Like the time she had said we were going to the park but instead we ended up pouring fish guts in Aiden Thomas's pool.

"I can't my mother wants me to watch Amelia," I say turning back in my seat. For the rest of the class time, Nuri kept poking me resulting in us getting another detention slip.