He Likes To Scare Me

"Put on something scary, I'm feeling in a spooky mood tonight" Nuri commands her body all sprawled out against the couch. I grab the remote searching for scary movies on Netflix.

"I think we should watch something that won't prevent me from sleeping. You know how I feel about scary movies" Lauren whines while painting her nails with yellow nail polish. We were having our annual girl's night that we did every Friday.

My phone beeps for the millionth time and I check to see I got a text from Wesley. "Who is that ringing your phone every minute," Nuri says trying to look over at my phone.

"Just Wesley, he wanted to hang out but I told him we were having our girl's night". I say waving it off before putting my phone on silent. Nuri and Lauren argue about which movie to watch so I decided to go downstairs to make some popcorn.