When A Wolf Goes Missing

"What do you mean you ran into a hunter?! In the middle of town?! What were you thinking, you could have been killed... and you brought Adora into this"?! Wesley leaned against the wall as his father's voice boomed through the room. His mother sat on the other side across from him sending him a look of disappointment.

"I told you I took care of it dad! Adora wasn't harmed and I was able to take him down. I don't see what the big deal is" Welsey said gruffly. He boiled his fist in anger. He didn't understand why his father was coming at him as if he had asked to be attacked by the hunter.

"The big deal is you could have gotten you and her killed! I thought you were more responsible than this! What were doing in that part of town anyway"?! His father's voice grew louder and his face turned red. He hadn't expected this sort of behavior from his son.