A Blurred Canvas

I woke up in the middle of the night, sweat pouring down the side of my face. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to gain my composure. I could hear the racing of my heart in my eardrums beating loudly. So far every night ended the same way, me having some nightmare and then waking up only to find it was a dream.

I looked over at the circle fish tank, which held a sleeping Nuri. Every nightmare had been about losing Nuri and every time I woke up I silently wished it wasn't true. Feeling the dryness in my throat I decided to grab a glass of water.

Slowly getting out of bed, my pale feet hit the cold floor. I quietly make my way downstairs towards the kitchen. Grabbing a glass, I then pour some water into it before placing it on my lips. I gulped it down desperately as if I hadn't had a glass of water in days.