Chapter 18: Fiorette Wagner

Edmund folded the spirit’s wings and flew towards the highest tower of the palace at an immense speed. The girls clutched the Peacock spirit’s feathers in order not to fall off. The pets cuddled with Tiger.

“Okay, ladies,” Edmund cried, “when we get close to the tower window, I’m going to release my spirit, and we will be thrown into the tower, so be prepared! Blizzard, Christo, Astra, you grab onto your mistress’s hands and don’t let go!”

The pets, as if fully understanding the command, grabbed onto Tiger. She clutched them back. They all prepared for the harsh landing.

“Okay. Three, two, one… Release!”

The Peacock spirit vanished. Edmund and the girls screamed as they got thrown right into the tower window. Luckily, they all landed in. They stood up and dusted off their clothes. Edmund adjusted his glasses and looked at his team:

“Everyone alright?”

“Yes, we’re fine,” Tamie sighed with relief.

“Everyone okay here!” Tiger caressed her three pets, and picked Astra up in her hands.

“Thanks, Magister”.

Riza smiled at Edmund. He blushed in response and adjusted his glasses again (even though they didn’t really need adjusting). He turned around:

“Well, let’s go. We must search for the Aquarius Lord. I know he must be in this tower. Lord Nick and I looked up the data of this palace earlier and researched all of its rooms and hidden places. Lord Wagner dwells in here. But I’d rely on your knowledge too, Riza, since you know this place better than me”.

“I know where to go. Follow me”.

Riza walked out of the room. The friends followed her. She led them through corridors and entered a certain bedroom. There was no one.

“Huh? But he sleeps here!” Riza said.

Edmund wanted to reply when they heard a cackle:

“You won’t find father here! Or you think we wouldn’t spot a giant suspicious Peacock up in the sky?”

A girl of a long purple ponytail and dark blue eyes stepped out of the darkness, with a sly and arrogant smile on her face.

“Huh? Who are you?”

Tiger frowned. She sensed negative vibes come from the girl. But before this latter would answer, they heard Riza’s voice:


The girl chuckled:

“Returned to beg daddy for forgiveness, huh, Riza?”

“He is not my father, and you will not stop me from facing him. That man is not to be called ‘father’ after what he’s done to my mother, to me, to us!” Riza gnashed her teeth in rage, reminded of all the painful childhood memories.

“Aww, now that’s not the proper way to talk about one’s father, little sister. I must teach you a lesson! Gemini Style, Sneaker Art, Ninja Mode: Haze!” Fiorette disappeared in purple smoke.

“Ah, where did she go?”

Tamie got worked-up – the Sneaker Class, Ninja rank? That was the highest rank for a Sneaker! Tiger frowned and activated her powers:

“Virgo Style, Tamer Art, Naturalist Mode – We all stand as one!”

All of her three pets – Christo, Blizzard, and Astra – received her Green Zen powers, and their eyes glowed green. She cried to Riza and Edmund:

“Sis, Magister, go find the Aquarius Lord, we will hold her off!”

Edmund widened eyes – leave these two low-ranks with a Ninja rank Sneaker?

“Are you sure, Tiger?”

“Aww, don’t underestimate me!”

Fiorette chuckled through the haze. Her purple claws of the Light Grey Mouse spirit were about to emerge from the haze and cut Riza when Tiger shouted:

“Locked on! Blizzard, go!”

Blizzard barked, spat flames out of his mouth, and hit Fiorette’s claws.

“Ah!” Fiorette hid the claws back into the haze. “Ugh, you pests!”

Tamie smiled when saw Tiger and her pets operate so well.

“Yes, Magister, we’ll hold her off!” she answered Edmund’s question instead of Tiger. She took out her scroll and ink-brush, wrote certain stuff, and wove hand signs: “Libra Style, Writer Art, Scribbler Mode – Energy-depleting Sword!”

A golden-handled glittering sword emerged out of the scroll and fell in her hands. Edmund turned to Riza:

“They will make it. Let’s go!”


Riza pushed a certain brick on a wall and unlocked a hidden passage. She and Edmund descended the stairs and the door closed behind them.

“Ugh, no!”

Fiorette snarled through the haze. She turned to Tamie, Tiger, and the three animals:

“You’re going to get it, pests!”