Tiger was sitting on her bed in her room and crying. Riza and Tamie were trying to comfort her.
“Hey, sis… Please, don’t cry. It is okay. Don’t listen to that jerk…” Riza petted her shoulder.
“But… why were you so upset, anyway? What happened?” Tamie wondered.
Tiger’s three pets were sitting before her and rubbing her feet, trying to comfort their owner. Tiger sobbed and took Astra in her arms to pet her, while Christo and Blizzard remained at her feet.
“I got sad because… he made me remember those hectic years. I… I don’t want to look back at the past anymore! Kassandra Braun is my mother, but I do not wish to return to her. I… ran away from home, because she didn’t love me… I fled from Desert Island because I felt it was not my place, not my home… The Rose Cruce is my true home. I love it. I want to stay there… I don’t want to hear of Kassandra anymore!”