Chapter 73: Riza's Concern

Days passed serenely for the Rose Cruce Order members – they took jobs, gained money, had fun in the main hall, drank, sang, jested… It was like one big devoted family with a young ‘father’, Edmund Jaeger, at its head.

One day, when Erisa walked around the tables and brought food and drinks to the members as usual, and everyone was in a party mood as always, an unusual thing happened – they began serving sushi, which they had never had in the Order hall before. The cause of this was that Kokuyo stood near the counter with a cook hat and an apron and sliced and chopped fresh fish with two knives, adroitly moving them between his fingers to make some delicious sushi from raw fish, rice, and other ingredients.

“Hmm, I’d say Tiggie’s boy has got quite some skills…” Cherrie, seated together with her ‘sisters’, uttered as she leaned on her hand and contemplated Kokuyo’s swift hand moves.

“I know, right? Both brothers are amazing!”