I must reach the Peak of Placidus as fast as I can…
Tamie pranced through cliffs and forests with her Air Tiger spirit unleashed at Ring Three (she didn’t require to unlock more rings as she used her spirit merely for transportation now. Thus, she would also preserve her strength for later battle when she rejoined her friends as she had promised Nick).
I must fulfill Byakuya’s wish and then go to the New World Order building where my friends will have already arrived by then…
She could already see the giant mountain ahead – the Peak of Placidus, with the Zodiac Palace and the Zodiac Stadium buildings on its top. She approached the mountain and began climbing it. There somewhere, before she would reach the top, she had to come across a hidden cavern.
Tamie soon spotted a strange purple light flicker near some large rocks. She remembered how Byakuya had vanished in similar purple lights before.
This has to be it…