Chapter 87: The Blood Dragon

“Goddess, let’s go back!”

Kokujin cried to Tamie once saw the awoken beast. He wanted to pull her back. The redhead man raised his hand. A large light ray emerged, pushed Kokujin off and attached him to a cave wall.


Tamie got terrified – this beast would surely kill the defenceless Kokujin if he wanted to! However, she had better think not about him but herself now – she felt an ominous presence right behind her. She shuddered and turned back, only to face that same redhead man, who glared down at her with the fiery but tired eyes.

“Ah! Get away from me!” Tamie wanted to run off but the man’s strong hand clutched her arm. “Ah, no!” She struggled to escape his tight grip, but could not.

“Goddess!” Kokujin got preoccupied – what if that fiend hurt his mistress?! He struggled on his part to get away from the light ray prison, but just like Tamie, he failed.

“No!” Tamie screamed.
