Chapter 98: Bonds

Everyone was shocked by Getsuryuu’s words. Riza trembled in dread. Tiger and Tamie got worried – if she showed too much emotion, Getsuryuu might have suspicions on her!

“What’s wrong with you?”

Indeed, Getsuryuu now gazed at Riza in surprise. Scott noticed the tension, so he prepared to defend Danielle’s daughter again if need be.

“It is nothing…” Riza muttered.

Getsuryuu could easily guess something was up. He grabbed Riza’s chin and looked deep into her eyes. He was able to read her thoughts since he was the supreme dragon of the Moon.

“You are Marvin Wagner’s daughter?!”

He growled and burst into the Blue energy. He grabbed Riza by the throat and slammed her against a wall. Tamie and Tiger got terrified. Scott and Edmund jumped in between Riza and Getsuryuu, pushed this latter back and freed the girl with their Zen attacks. Getsuryuu wanted to charge at the frightened Riza and the two men when Tiger dashed at him:


“Get off me!” Getsuryuu snarled.